Jealous - Damon

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"Hey babe, I'm going to The Grill with Stefan." You said pecking Damon on the lips

"Why?" He questioned

"Because he asked me to." You said turning away, heading towards the door

"Why would he do that?" Worry laced in his voice

"He said he wanted to hangout."

"Why would he want to hangout?"

"I don't know Damon. Are you done questioning me now? I'm going to be late."

"Can I come?"

"Sure. Come on."

*At The Grill*

"Hey Stef!" You said as you took a seat at the booth

You shot a confused look at Damon when you saw him glaring at Stefan

You decide to ignore it and just have a good time

You were there for about an hour, having a good time and sharing laughs. Damon was quiet which kind of worried you, usually he is always saying something sarcastic.

"Hey Damon are you alright?"

He ignored you. You were going to press the subject but Stefan spoke up and asked if you both wanted something to drink. Damon ignored Stefan and you told Stefan yes and went up to the bar with him.

While you and Stefan were waiting for your drinks, you decided to start a conversation.

"Hey, why did you invite me? I'm not complaining but we never usually hangout."

"That's why I asked you. We never hangout but since you're Damon's girlfriend, I really want to get along with you so it's not awkward or anything."

"Well that's sweet. Thank you for trying to get along with me. I'm sure Damon will appreciate that."

You and Stefan conversed a bit until Damon stomped over to you and grabbed your wrist

"Come on, we're getting out of here."

"But why? I want to keep hangout with Stefan."

"I.don' come on." Damon said gritting his teeth

"It's okay. Go." Stefan spoke up

As Damon started pulling you out, you looked back and mouthed a "sorry" to Damon.

"What is your problem." You asked as soon as you and Damon got into the house

"My problem? He was trying to get with you!" He yelled

"He wasn't trying to get with me. For gods sake, he's your brother. He was trying to get to know me!" You yelled equally as loud

"Oh get to know you? Get to know you by getting in your pants."

"I can't believe you just said that. Do you not trust me."

After you said that Damon instantly went quiet. Trust is a big thing in a relationship, especially in yours. The thought of one of you not trusting the other was heartbreaking.


"What Damon? Huh? Are you going to tell me how much you don't trust me? Or how you think I'm going to cheat on you with your own brother?"

"Look babe. It's not like that. I know that you aren't going to cheat on me. And I trust you. I trust you with my life. It's just seeing you with Stefan, made me insecure, I guess. You know, he's the good brother that eats bunnies instead of humans. Everyone loves him and I just don't want you to wake up one day and realize you love him and not me."

You sighed and wrapped your arms around Damon's neck. "I would never. I would never love him like I love you. I would never love someone like I love you. You're my whole entire world and I would never trade you for someone else. Okay?"

"Okay, I love you Y/N."

"I love you more Damon."

I really think my writing is progressing. It's not really that good but I'm getting more and more proud of each chapter.

Thank you for reading!

When someone is yelling do you want me to use caps so it's easier to know that it's yelling?

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