Pregnant - Damon

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"Y/N are you okay?" Jo asked as she saw me bent over the toilet puking

"I'm fine. How's Elena?" You said trying to change the subject

"She's okay, we got the vervain out of her system- Y/N you don't look fine, you're puking up blood."

"I'm fine, it must be blood poisoning." You joked

You tried walking away but that only resulted in you falling, "oh my god, Y/N!" Jo quickly helped you up and brought you into one of the rooms

"This isn't normal behavior for a vampire. Can you tell me exactly what has been happening to you and how long it has been happening."

"Well, I'm hungry all the time and it gets to the point where I drink too much blood and start puking it back up. Even though I'm apparently drinking too much blood, I'm still hungry. I can also sleep for days and still be exhausted. This has been happening for about a month now."

"Okay, we can rule out anything external since you don't have any wounds. It must be internal, do you mind if I take some blood tests?"

"Not at all."

Jo came in with a perplexed look on her face, "what's wrong Jo?"

"I-um-um have you had any sexual encounters with anyone recently?"

"Yeah..." You said confused

"Have you had any weight gain? Have your feet or hands been swollen?

"Yes...what dose any of that have to do with anything?"

"I-I-I think you may be pregnant."

"Oh come on Jo. Be serious."

"I am being serious! When I ran your blood through some tests, it came out positive for pregnant!" A confused Jo said

"No-no I can't be pregnant! I'm a vampire! Vampires can't reproduce!" Your voice rising with every word

A look of relaxation came across Jo's face

"Soulmate vampires can."

I've decided to start updating again.
It's going to be slow updates since I am working on another book.
I hope you enjoyed!

Part 2?

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