Always - Kol

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Requested: lucinda1990

(A/N: I got the first part from a book that I once read.)

"Rubi, come back here!" A frustrated man yelled

"No, I told you, you have to find me." Rubi giggled as she ran through the meadow

Playfully tackling her down, "Found you." the man said

"No fair! I didn't even get to hide."

"You know I would find you. I'll always find you."


"Always. I love you, Rubi."

"I love you, Kol."


"Hey, babe." I kissed my boyfriend Matt

"What wrong, Rubi? You look out of it"

"I just had a weird "dream" while I was awake. I don't know, it's been happening for a few weeks."

"Well, to get your mind off of the weird dreams, do you want to go the Mikaelson ball?"

"Who's the Mikaelson's?"

"Klaus Mikaelson? The original vampire? A hybrid? He's trying to kill Elena?"

"Oh my gosh, someone's trying to kill Elena? Well, I would't be surprised. Hopefully he's lucky and succeeds."

"Your dad is a vampire hunter, does he not tell you these things? And don't say that about Elena."

"He doesn't want me involved with vampire drama. And Matty? If you ever stick up for her again, we're done. What time do you want me ready for the ball?"

"8:00 o'clock."


"You look beautiful." Matt said as he led me into the Mikaelson house

"Thank you, Matty."

I looked around and saw a beautiful women walking up to me, "Rubi...I can't believe it's you. Kol has missed you so much."

"Um, do I know you?"

"Uh oh um, something like that. Welcome. I must go."

"What was that about?" Damon asked

Before I could tell him, Elijah Mikaelson cut me off with a speech and announcing a dance.

While Elijah was making his speech, I saw one of his brothers staring at me with shock and love? It was-"May I have this dance?" Matt asked me

"Yes, of course."

Matt and I were dancing for awhile and when it came time to switch partners, I was turned into the arms of the man that was staring at me. "Hello, Love, I'm Kol Mikaelson."

"Wait, you're Kol Mikaelson?" I asked in disbelief

"You know of me?"

" were the faceless man in my dreams. Your mother said you missed me...Oh my gosh. I need to go." And before I could leave, I was whisked into an unknown room

"Let me-" I was caught off guard by a kiss from Kol. I didn't know what came over me but I found myself kissing back. His lips were so familiar.


"Let me go!" I yelled at the men that kept me captive

"Huh, that's exactly what my sister said to your precious boyfriend before he drained her of her blood, right in front of me!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that happened to you and your sister. But, this has nothing to do with me, I'm not even a vampire."

"I never intended to go after you, I was going to go after that blood sucker . Unfortunately for you, he's a tough one to find and kill. But, I found the next best thing, you. A pathetic little human that fell in love with a vampire and that resulted in her death. I like the sound of that."

"Please don't do this!" I cried

"He killed someone I love, I kill someone he loves. Bye Bye." A shot rang through the air.


I woke up gasping for air as tears streamed down my face, "Rubi! Rubi, are you okay?" Kol panicked

"No, no, no, I'm not okay. Where am I? What happened?"

"My room. We were kissing and than you fainted."

I looked over at Kol with a scared expression, " me killed."

"You remember?"

"Not until I kissed you. I've been having dreams these past weeks about you. I guess they aren't dreams, they're-"


"What happened."

"You got killed all because of me. When you were killed, I was absolutely broken. My mother came to me one night and told me that you and I were soul mates. You would be reborn again so we would be together."

"I-I-I'm sorry. I can't do this right now, I have to get back to Matt."

"That human that I saw you kissing?" Kol sneered "You don't love him."

"Yes, I do."

"Not in the way I should."

"Fine let's say: I breakup with Matt, what does that mean for us? My fathers a vampire hunter, he would never allow this."

"I don't know but I do know, I'm not losing you again. I told you once, I would always find you. And now that I've found you, I'm not going to let you go."

"You'll always find me?" I looked into Kol's eyes


"I love you, Kol."

"I love you, Rubi."



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