You're Pregnant - Klaus

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Requested: @obsessedwtvd


Happiness is a feeling that everyone should feel when they find out they or their partner is pregnant, right?

Obviously not because that's not the case here...

You were in the middle of in argument with Klaus because...well let's just start at the beginning.


"Hello, Lo-Do we have company?"

"No, why?"

"There's an extra heartbeat."

Oh god

"Nope, no one is here. Maybe your hearing is off today. You know what? You're probably tired from doing all your hybrid duties and you're hearing things, you should go take a nap. Well, I gotta go, have a nice nap!"

"Wait," Klaus grabbed your wrist

"You smell different."

Stupid senses

"Thanks? I've been wearing this new perfume. I'm glad you noticed! K bye."

"No, no, that's not it," Klaus smelled the air and his eyes immediately darkened

"You're pregnant." He growled

"Surprise?" You smiled sheepishly

"No. No! You can't be pregnant. You are not pregnant."

"Yes I am! Stop trying to deny it, you should be happy."


"It's not mine."

He's in denial

"Are you kidding me? I'm pregnant with your  baby. Yours. No one else's."

"I never wanted this. I don't want this."

"This is what you've always wanted, Niklaus! You always wanted a family, a real family! A family that didn't hate your guts and hunt you down. A family that you didn't have to force to be loyal to you."

"Why are you throwing away your chance to have a real family? For power? If you'd rather be with your so called family of hybrids than raise your child, fine. Just know, this baby, your baby, will grow up without a father, he will think that his father hated and never wanted him. That is no way for a child to grow up." You said, walking out the door in tears.


"It will be okay." Rebekah comforted you

"I don't think it will...not this time."

"We've been through so much and out of all things, this was the one thing I thought he would be supportive about."

"Oh Y/N,  Klaus...he's just scared, he'll come around. If there's one thing I know about him, it's that he would never give up on family."

"He stabbed you with a dagger and put you in a box."

"Despite that," Rebekah laugh

"He's a good guy...when he wants to be."


"No, I am not accepting anymore crying from you," Rebekah wiped your tears

"You're Y/N Y/L/N! You're strong, independent, and lets not forget, drop dead gorgeous. When a guy screws you over, you go out there and show him what he's missing."

"You're right! Right?"


"Okay good."

The doorbell rang, cutting of Rebekah's laughter.

When you opened it, you saw him.

Right when I was starting to feel better. Stupid boys.

"Klaus! Great! Are you here to apologize for being a major dick?"

"I came here to see Y/N not you." Klaus glared at his sister

Rebekah looked at you and you nodded at her that it was okay to leave, "What do you want?"

"I want to apologize."

"For what? Telling me you don't want our baby? Wait! or is it when you basically told me I cheated on you?"

"I get it, I was being a-"

"Dick!" Rebekah hollered from outside

"Leave!" Klaus yelled at his sister

"I'm sorry. I was shocked and scared..."

"I'm scared too, Klaus." You sighed

"I know and that's why I want to be here for you. When you said that our baby will grow up thinking Its hates him...t-that's how I lived and that's not how I want our baby to live. Abandoning my baby will make me like my father and I don't want to be my father."

"I love you and I want to be here for you and our baby."

"I love you too, Klaus."

"Yay! I'm going to be an aunt!"



Has anyone listened to "Yes girl" By: Bea Miller???? Yass girl like please fuck me up

I hoped you enjoyed!

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