Sired - Damon

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You walked out of the bedroom and into foyer to see Damon sitting on the couch deep in thought.

"Last night was amazing." You walked up behind him planting a kiss on his cheek.

No answer

"You must be really deep in thought. What are you looking at?" You questioned sitting beside him

He slammed down the papers he was looking at and abruptly got up

"Damon!" You said following after him

"Damon! What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, Y/N? I'll tell you what's wrong! You're sired to me!" Anger was one of the many words Damon was feeling

You stood there staring at Damon in shock.
You knew what the sire bond was. You grew suspicious of the way Tyler was acting towards Klaus so you did some digging and came across the sire bond. You also found out that if you had feelings for the Vampire that turned you while you were human than there is a possibility of becoming sired to them.

And that's exactly what happened.

"T-that doesn't change anything, right?"

"Are you kidding me?! It changes everything! Our love isn't real!"

"Damon! Our love is real!"

"No it's not! You're sired! You're supposed to make me happy and if loving me is making me happy than you do it! Our love isn't real."

"Yes it is! In order for me to be sired to you, I would have to have feelings for you before you turned me! I loved you before you turned me and I still love you now, sire bond or not!"


"No Damon! Don't say one word, you know that I'm right. I love you." You spoke grabbing both of his hands

"I love you, y/n."

Oh my lord that was horrible

Sorry! I just wanted to get something up, I'm working on another imagine right now that will hopefully be better

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