Turn me - Klaus

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Last night you gave Klaus one of the most precious gifts that you possess, your virginity. It was probably the greatest day of your life. He treated you with respect and made sure that you felt loved the whole time. You realized that Klaus was the one. In a way you always knew he was the one, but now you were sure. You were sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. But with that realization came the ultimate decision. Were you ready to become a vampire? Or did you want to stay a human?

The thought of becoming a vampire terrified you. Temptation to Feed and kill.
You would feel this burning desire to always feed and it might get to the point where you kill. Yes, you can control it. But what if one day you loose control?

But, staying human was equally terrifying.
You would grow old and Klaus wouldn't. He would soon forget that you ever existed and move on with his life.
If you stayed human, you will loose the love of your life.

You rested the side of your head on the pillow, watching Klaus as he peacefully slept.

You couldn't loose him. You wouldn't loose him.

"Good morning, love." Klaus greeted you when he started waking up

"Good morning!" You pecked his cheek as he slid his arm around your waist.

"Last night was amazing." Klaus murmured against your skin.

You blushed a deep shade of red and tried to hide

"Hey, hey, hey, don't hide."
He said lifting your chin and staring into your eyes

"Turn me." You decided to speak up

"Excuse me?" He asked with disbelief evident in his voice.


"I heard you the first time." Klaus said with a angry tone, rolling out of bed and getting dressed.

"If you heard me than do it." You said following his exact actions


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"You know, if you won't do it, I can always find someone who is willing to."

That was a mistake.

Klaus vampire sped over you you, pinning your hands above your head, trapping you in between the wall and his body

"What did you just say?" His 

"You heard me. If you don't turn me than I will find someone else who will."

The words that you spoke were clearly getting to Klaus. He was angry, he was really angry.

"Why? Why in the world would you want to become a vampire?" His eyes burned into you as he was waiting for an answer

"I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Don't you want to do the same?" Tears begging to come out

"Of course I want to. I love you, I love you more than anyone. I can't imagine a life without you. But I want you to have a life, I want you to grow up, have kids, I just want you to have a normal human life."

"Klaus, I want to be with you. This is my choice. Kids? We can adopt. Klaus turn me, please!" You pleaded

"Okay, I will." He sighed in defeat

"Thank you, thank you so much!" You hugged his so that your legs were around his waist

"But we do this on my terms."

"Yes, yes, of course!"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

I liked the plot but I don't really like how I wrote it. But I'm getting there.

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