Our night - Stefan

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Requested: @newtgotmelike

Stefan's P.O.V


Whenever I looked into the beautiful green eyes that belonged to the love of my life, that's all I could see.

Ever since I told Sanne about the supernatural world, all she's been doing is helping me and standing by myself. At first it was amazing to have the love of my life standing by my side helping me. But I can now see that it's starting to affect our relationship, it's starting to affect her.
Whenever we used to hangout and go on dates, we would talk about our future. We would talk about marriage, kids...happiness. But now whenever we hangout or go on dates all we do is talk about supernatural stuff. We would talk about, who is our next threat, who is going to die next.
And with Klaus being our new threat it's definitely starting to affect Sanne. She's been worried sick about her family and friends. She's been staying up all night trying to help us come up with ways to get rid of him.
To sum it all up she's been stressing.

Today I'm going to fix that.

I plan to go over her house and just have a day all to ourselves and forget about all of our supernatural problems.

Sanne's P.O.V

It's 1:00pm

The first thing I did when I woke up was get my notebook out and try to come up with solutions for our Klaus problems. And here I am still sitting in bed trying to come up with ideas. I haven't eaten or done basically anything but brush my teeth.

Now a days all it seems like I'm doing is thinking about supernatural stuff. It's on my mind when I wake up and when I go to sleep. All of these problems are really stressing me out but I know that I'm trying to help my friends and family and that's enough for me to keep working.

The doorbell ringing pulled me out of my thoughts.

I walked downstairs with my notebook in hand

"Oh hey stef!" I sweetly said as I opened the door

"Hey babe!" He kissed me on the lips and walked in

"I'm so glad you're here! I've been trying to come up with solutions on how to deal with our Klaus problem and I want to show you what I came up with." I said as I opened my notebook for him to look

"No." He said closing my book

"What do you mean no? I -"

"I mean, no. I don't want to talk about anything supernatural, I don't even want to think about anything supernatural. I just want to spend a day with you, watching movies and cuddling, got it?"


"No buts, this is OUR day. Now go upstairs and go put on something comfortable."

I obeyed Stefan and went upstairs to change into sweatpants and one of Stefan's shirts that he left at my house.

As I was changing, I was thinking about how fun this day is going to be. Stefan and I haven't hung out alone in along time. And since my parents are gone for the weekend, nobody can bother us.

I ran downstairs to see Stefan already on the couch with snacks and drinks.

"What movie are we going to watch?" I said as I jumped on the couch cuddling into him.

"21 jump street."

(Idek I picked the first movie that came to mind)

After like 30 minutes of watching the movie, I kept seeing Stefan glancing at me.

"What?" I said giggling

"I don't know, I've just been thinking."


"What if I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend? You wouldn't be so stressed and tired all the time because of this supernatural business. And don't think I haven't noticed you ditching your family to help me figure out all this supernatural stuff. You would just be a lot more happier if I didn't drag you into the supernatural world." He rambled

"Stefan don't you dare say that! You did drag me into anything, I knew what I was getting into when you told me about the supernatural world and I stayed with you. Yeah, I would be a lot less stressed if I didn't know about the supernatural and yes, I would be able to spend more time with my family. But it was my choice, it was my choice to stay with you and stand by your side. And never say that I would be happier without you. I wouldn't be. If something happened to you and you were no longer in my life, I have no idea what I would do. You stand by me and helped me with my problems, you love and care for me, you make me laugh...you make me happy. You make me the happiest girl in the world and I have no idea what I would do without you. I love you!"

"I love you so much Sanne." He said as he tucked a piece of your blonde hair behind your ear and passionately kissed you on the lips

The rest of the day you watched movie after movie, you are junk food, cuddled, and basically just spent quality time together. And that's something you two haven't had the privilege to do in a long time.

It was our day...

Sorry it took me so long. I've rewritten this a bunch of times and I still couldn't make it good. I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed it!


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