Occhi azzurri ( spanish )

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The group arrived at the nest in double time. Two Gronckle's were there to meet them. The sky was all cloudy and dark as if a thunder storm was about to erupt. The ice that they walked on crunched in silence under their boots. Toothless's claws were extended and his teeth were bared, ready to attack. Hiccup turned to the Gronckle's.
"Is it safe to enter?"
"Not sure. One minute it seems to be all fine and the next.........purple blasts are everywhere and there is absolute chaos!" The larger male Gronckle spoke in fear. His female companion was slightly injured with a claw mark cutting across her jaw. Hiccup turned to the gang.
"Ok. Whatever is in there means business! It's not afraid to have a fight, so we need to be on high alert! Astrid, Snotlout and I will go in through the main entrance. Fishlegs, Ruff and Tuff. You three go in through the entrance over the other side. Legend know who you's are and won't control your dragons. Let's go!" Hiccup ordered and then mounted an aggro/aggressive Toothless and flew into the main entrance. Astrid and Snotlout were hot on his tail.

All seemed fine, even in the main nest with Legend. However the dragons were on edge, extreme edge. Deadly Nadders had their tails spiked. Hideous Zipplebacks were looking in every direction. Monstrous Nightmares were constantly lighting themselves on fire. Toothless started to glow blue as he landed next to Legend. Hiccup dismounted and climbed onto one of Legend's great tusks.
"What's happened here?"
"A black dragon. Black as Toothless has been terrorising us every half hour or so. It's a bit smaller though, only by a few centimetres but smaller and swifter. And it seems to never run out of shots. You must be on guard. It comes out of nowhere! And disappears as quickly as it arrives. Beware! It is cunning."
"Well. On that cheery note, shall we look for this dragon?" Hiccup slid down off the tusk and down onto Toothless. No sooner did he land than did a explosive blast hit Legend. Toothless swung around and blasted at the black creature. It dodged behind a icy pillar, but it didn't expect Hookfang and Snotlout to be there. Hookfang blasted a strong line of fire, the dragon dodged and roared a cry of pain when Stormfly shot at her with a set of spikes. Legend attempted to control it but once again failed.
"It's a female!" Astrid yelled as she and Stormfly chased the dragon around the nest.
"A female what?!" Hiccup asked/yelled to Astrid as Toothless tried to catch up.
"Night Fury!" Toothless roared and shot past Astrid and straight in front of the female Night Fury.

The new found female Night Fury hovered in front of Toothless. Her rich Aqua blue eyes glared menacingly. Her teeth were bared and her claws outstretched. She was ready to fight anything at anytime.
"Try talk to her bud." Hiccup whispered to Toothless. Toothless, after glancing at the quiet surroundings, started to introduce himself.
"My name is Toothless, and I won't hurt you. What's your name?"
"Of course you won't hurt me! But you are being controlled by a human! And all Humans are bad! I've been watching this nest, and even your leader is being controlled by these stupid people!" She growled back, staring at Hiccup the whole time. Fishlegs and Meatlug were hovering overtop of her very silently, Fishlegs was unraveling a net to drop when Hiccup gives the command.
"My rider will not harm any dragon if he has the choice. He trusts in me the whole time. However, some humans are bad I will agree with you their. But please, for the safety of this nest, trust in me and do as I say." Toothless tried to be kind, but inside himself he felt like she was hiding something. And it wasn't good.
"The last time I trusted anyone........they.......they killed my family and I only managed to just escape. The man was Drago Bloodvist. And if I ever see him again, he won't live another day!" She dropped her head in sadness.
"What's your name?"
"My full name is Occhi Azzurri. But everyone usually just calls me Azzurri. My name means Blue Eyes in a far away language." She perked up a little as she pronounced her name. Toothless hated that they would have to net her but they currently had no choice.
"You have a nice name. But for now Azzurri, you must listen to me. Don't panic!" Toothless flew back a bit as Fishlegs dropped the net. Azzurri fell down into the cold water. Legend fished her out and called for some Terrors to keep the net shut. She roared and blasted at the net but it didn't break. Toothless landed in front of her and glowed blue. She dropped her head in submission, her eyes turned to slits.
"She can be moved now." Hiccup told the group.

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