Trader Johan

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Toothless followed Azzurri back to the nest and landed next to Hiccup. Hiccup happened to be talking to Astrid and Fishlegs about some plans. All the dragons had either retreated back into the heart of the nest, or were patrolling the outside with wary eyes. Toothless watched them for a moment before looking at Azzurri. She was playing with Stormfly who wasn't impressed.
"Hey bud. I see you got her back? Anything new?" Hiccup asked, scratching Toothless under his chin.
"Yes. Drago is the cause for all of this. And he killed Azzurri's mother in front of her eyes. The father is still alive, but.....Drago has another Alpha. And that Alpha has infected Azzurri's dad with something so that if he ever sees her, he will kill her." Toothless related as well as he could of what Azzurri told him to Hiccup. Hiccup sighed.
"Unless we were to have another Alpha like Legend, we have no chance of beating another Bewilderbeast! Perhaps we should move well away from here. Take the dragons and....." Hiccup stopped his ranting when Astrid walked over. He couldn't leave her. Not now. Not ever!
"Hiccup. Legend has placed me as King and leader over his entire realm and I won't forsake that. We will beat this Alpha no matter what it takes!" Toothless replied slightly angered that Hiccup could just walk away from this. Astrid placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder.
"I'am here too. I don't know what Toothless is telling you and I don't know what his plans are. But what I do know and guarantee is that I and the rest of the gang will always be here for you! No matter what happens." Astrid spoke comfortingly and softly to Hiccup. Toothless nodded in agreement.
"Your right. Your both right. I just.....I just don't want to lose either of you." Hiccup held Astrid's hands and looked into her eyes deeply, and then at Toothless.
"Your not going to lose me. I'm Fearless Astrid Hofferson! And nothing can take me down!" Astrid backed away and swung her axe around to prove a point. Hiccup chuckled and Toothless rolled his eyes.

Hiccup decided that they couldn't leave Legend where he was. It would be extremely smelly and make a big mess. However, how in the whole Archipelago were they going to move him? And where would they move him?
"Gang! Gather around. We need to move Legend from here. But it's going to be very hard and I don't know where to move him. Any suggestions?"
"Hmmm. We could put harnesses on every dragon and lift him up? But where would we put him?" Snotlout suggested.
"Who said we have to put him somewhere? Why don't we just drop him in the sea somewhere? Plus, it would make a really big splash!" Tuffnut suggested. Ruffnut nudged him in agreement. Hiccup thought.
"You know what. That's actually not a bad idea Tuffnut and Snotlout. We will use both your ideas." Hiccup turned and ran over to Toothless.
"I know! That's why i said it! Wait, what did I say?" Snotlout scratched his head. Astrid shook her head in annoyance and mounted Stormfly.
"Where are we going to get harnesses from Hiccup? There is like, a million dragons in there and we have zero harnesses." Astrid followed Hiccup into the sky.
"Well, one way is to look below Stormfly." Hiccup replied swooping down towards the sea. Toothless expanded his wings so that they wouldn't crash land into the freezing cold water. Or into the large vessel they floated steadily across it.
"Trader Johan!" Astrid yelled. The old trader looked up and smiled at Astrid. However the minute he spotted Hiccup he panicked. Hiccup had severely warned him to not tell a soul who he was. And now he was flying next to the best fighter in Berk?! Toothless landed and Hiccup got off.
"You don't have to keep the secret anymore Johan. They know who I'am."
"Master Hiccup. I was worried for a second then but you have eased my concern. Now, is there anything I can entice you with?"
"Yes there is. Have you got either Dragon harnesses or any leather?"
"Hmmm. Now that you mention it I have actually got a whole barrel full of leather. But you will need something good to trade for it."
"May I have a look at the leather to see how good the quality is? That will help me decide what to trade it for." Hiccup said persuasively. Johan nodded and led Hiccup down to the under compartment of the ship. Hiccup had been there once before because Johan said he couldn't find any squid ink. So Hiccup searched this lower area of the boat and found a small box filled with the stuff! However, that was two years ago. Now it looked all different. Because Johan traded anything for anything there were lots of things that made Hiccup cringe. Deadly Nadder spikes and other dragon bones lay in chests and barrels here and there. Toothless, who was following hiccup, groaned at the sight and looked away.
"I'm sorry you have to see this Master Hiccup, but you know that sometimes I have no choice?" Johan stopped and apologised.
"It's okay Johan, just keep going." Hiccup hurried him forward.

Eventually Johan arrived at the very far end of the compartment and showed Hiccup two barrels overflowing with leather. Hiccup pulled a small piece out and felt it. Toothless had a smell and nodded.
"What would interest you for both barrels?" Hiccup asked. Johan thought for a moment, Hiccup rarely ever gave him the chance to pick what he wanted.
"Remember last year you gave me a tour of your island? And you showed me lots of your inventions?"
"Yes. I remember. And you really liked the small but powerful catapult that could fire longer than the length of three of these ships put together. I still have that." Hiccup replied, knowing what Trader Johan was getting at.
"Well, you see, Alvin The Treacherous is after more weapons such as catapults and crossbows. And I know that he would love that catapult. Especially with all the raids that he keeps getting from Berserker island."
"Johan. Sail your ship and dock in the nest, you remember the tunnel? I'll get the catapult ready and you get that leather up on board. Deal?"
"Deal." So both men shook hands and went back towards the opening up onto deck. Astrid was waiting for them impatiently.
"Hopefully after all this you two have actually gotten somewhere?!" Astrid snapped.
"Yes we have. Head back to the nest with the others. I'll meet you there. Trader Johan, you know the way, I'll meet you there as well." Hiccup then mounted Toothless and they flew off after the others.

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