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"Sir! The scouts that you sent out have returned with good news!" A plump Viking quivered lightly in front of his Chief. The Chief turned around and looked at the small Viking.
"Good news?"
"Yes sir! The scouts said that the Dragon Riders nest has completely collapsed. But the Alpha is no where to be seen."
"Hmmm. He is not alive. My Alpha gave him a very proper death wish." Drago (the chief) chuckled evilly before dismissing the Viking.
"You may have escaped this time Dragon Rider. But next time will be your last breath!"

"Hiccup is home!" Berkians cheered as Hiccup and Toothless followed by the gang landed in the town square.
"Where have you been?"
"What have you been doing?"
"Are you okay?" All these questions were suddenly bombarded on the gang, mainly Hiccup. Stoick and Valka pushed the crowd to the side as they spotted Hiccup.
"Hiccup! Son. Are you alright?" Stoick grasped his son in a bear hug.
"Yep....can't....breath...." Stoick let his son go and Valka hugged him more gently.
"I'm so glad your home. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah. After you's left Toothless realised that the nest will collapse within a week unless another Bewilderbeast was to take care of it. Long story short, we've moved the nest to Dragon Island. So now we are much closer to here." Hiccup replied loud enough for the village to hear. That's when a female villager spotted the ring on Astrid's hand, she decided to stay quiet for a while. Everyone gradually dispersed except Valka. She was talking to Astrid about Cloudjumper or something. Hiccup wandered over and wrapped his arm around Astrid's waist, causing her to blush. Valka smiled and randomly cast her eyes to Astrid's hand. At first she thought she was dreaming. But when she blinked twice her realisations came to her.
"Hiccup. You have some explaining to do!" Valka gasped, gesturing to Astrid's ring. Hiccup smiled.
"No there isn't. We are getting married, isn't that obvious?" He joked. Astrid chuckled at his cheeky reply. Valka, knowing that the two young adults were eventually going to get married, hugged them both at the same time. Her smile never leaving her face.
"I'm so happy for you two! When should we tell the village?" Valka asked quietly. Hiccup frowned.
"The whole village? Can't we kinda keep it secret?"
"Even if you tried to keep it a secret. Astrid's ring is going to give it away." Valka replied. Hiccup sighed in defeat.

Toothless and Azzurri flew around Berk together. As much as he loved looking after the nest. He loved Azzurri more. He just didn't know how to ask her to be his mate! Whilst he was deep in thought he didn't realise that Azzurri had suddenly disappeared. He pit stopped his flying and dove towards the ground.
"Toothless! Help!" Her voice was directly below him. He shot down, expanded his wings, and landed soundlessly on the ground. His ears twitched and searched for any sound.
"Toothless!" Azzurri's voice was much weaker. But closer than before. She was hurt, and bad. Toothless could sense that. He roared loudly, calling Hiccup before diving through the trees. Blood, scales and large dragon prints were to be seen. But that wasn't the worst. They were Night Fury prints, and not Azzurri's. He stepped into a small clearing and spotted Azzurri lying at the other end.
"Azzurri! What happened?!" He jumped over to her and started to lick her wounds.
"!" She gasped out. Toothless was immediately alert to a presence near him.
"Pretend to be dead." He told her as he scanned the forest. Little did he realise that she was once again nearly dead.

"Hurry! Something is wrong with Toothless!" Hiccup called the gang before jumping onto Stormfly. Astrid jumped up in front and they all took off. Valka followed on Cloudjumper just in case they needed bigger backup.
"Toothless!" Hiccup called. A violent roar bellowed out to him in reply and a red plasma blast flew into the sky.
"Great. He ate an eel. Lucky us." Hiccup frowned. However as they approached, the scene was much worser. Azzurri was lying on the edge of the clearing with scars and blood all over her. Toothless was fighting the other dragon with everything he had.
"Hiccup! That's another Night Fury!" Fishlegs gasped. That's when Hiccup remembered something Toothless told him. "Azzurri's dad belongs to Drago and has somehow been infected by something from the Bewilderbeast. So now his only goal is to kill Azzurri."

Toothless watched the deadly Night Fury advance towards him. It was the most biggest Night Fury he had ever seen. It's eyes were flaming red, and so was the blast that came out. Instead of two rows of smooth spines like Toothless on his back, there were giant protruding arm length spikes like that of a Skrill. How could Toothless beat such a formidable foe? He was about to find out. It blasted several times but Toothless blasted back to block them. He had to protect Azzurri! Taking one glance back at her limp body he shot up into the sky, backflipped, and blasted at the dragons back. It was enraged by that and flew so fast towards Toothless that he didn't see it coming. Both dragons collided but Toothless took most of the impact. They fell to the ground together and started wrestling. Toothless was a vibrant blue and looked scary. But not compared to the other Night Fury.
"Spine shot Stormfly!" Astrid ordered. Stormfly riddled the right back led of the beast with sharp spines. Hookfang lit himself on fire and flew around the Fury's with haste before blasting. Toothless dodged and blasted with him. Hideous Zippleback gas was next. That did it for the devil, he took off with Cloudjumper firing after him.
"Never come back!" Cloudjumper roared.

Hello everyone. Sorry for a short chapter but it's really intense so I think it being short is for the better. Anyway, I wanted to ask you all a question. Have you ever seen the Dr.Quin Medicine Woman series? Please comment if you have.

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