Good bye

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Toothless swerved in and out of the tunnels towards the the opening that lay ahead of him. Bright blue icy light shined in so far before stopping. Hiccup placed his mask on so that the bright shine wouldn't affect his eyes to much. Toothless completely shut his until he was flying around the middle column of the nest. He glanced down at the partly frozen waters where Johan was docking his ship. Once, once a great Bewilderbeast lived there. Dragons would heed his every command. But now, the area that he had swam in was desolate. Emptiness and sadness was all Toothless thought about as he landed near the waters edge. Johan jumped off and admired the surroundings.
"Well, I'll admit it's a lot different with Legend gone. Who is the leader now?" Johan asked a sad Hiccup. Johan didn't know how Legend had died, but he knew that he was dead. He saw the Bewilderbeast as he entered the tunnel.
"Toothless. He is the leader. And it will be hard, he hasn't got the same powers that Legend had. But we will try." Hiccup replied, looking at Toothless as he spoke. Johan nodded in understanding and then focused his attention on the catapult. It was in relatively good condition, just the odd bit of moss and stuff here and there. He then showed Hiccup the leather and they traded.

It took a few days but eventually enough harnesses were made. Dragons lined up with nothing and walked out wearing a brand new harness and a mouth full of Cod. Toothless watched Azzurri with interest as she inspected the Cod as if to say 'isn't that for me?'.
"347.........348! That's the last harness bud. Let hope that all goes well." Hiccup stood up and stretched his sore back and other muscles before mounting Toothless. Toothless called all the dragons and they all headed out to Legends body. It really reeked now, but Hiccup had to get down there and attach all the ropes to all the harness to Legend. Hiccup had the help of ten Terrible Terrors at least. He decided to put the ropes around Legends legs, that way when they drop him in the ocean he will touch the ground on his back and then fall on his side.

"All right. Toothless!" Hiccup ran up one of Legends tusks and jumped into the air however Toothless didn't come. Azzurri did! Hiccup landed on her neck and held on for dear life. But she casually flew over to a laughing Toothless and barrel rolled over him. Hiccup landed on Toothless, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"Azzurri! Are you okay? You've never let me ride you before." Hiccup stretched his arm out to Azzurri as he spoke.
"I'm fine Hiccup! Just mucking around. Who said that a sad day has to be serious? Why not make it fun!" Azzurri gestured her eyes towards Legend. Hiccup shrugged in slight agreement and then turned back to the job at hand.
"Everybody ready? And.........Pull!!" He yelled.

It was quite a sight seeing a few hundred dragons pull a gigantic beast out to sea. Their wings and chest muscles straining as they heaved Legend higher and higher. The gang got their swords, axes and daggers ready to cut the ropes. Hiccup called several Terrible Terrors and a few Thunderdrums over to help as well.
"Hiccup. I think this is far enough. How about you?" Astrid asked loudly. Trying to see Hoccup through the mass of dragons.
"I think she's right." Toothless agreed.
"Alright! Cut the ropes!"

Instantly dragons were flapping even harder as they waited for a dagger or axe to cut the weight away from them. Terrible Terrors were blasting and swords cutting. Hiccup jumped off Toothless and pulled out his fire sword and dagger. He had his wing suit out as he did so. A Hobblegrunt shot downwards past Hiccup as Legends body fell into the water. A rope was still attached to its harness. Quick as a flash Hiccup was down and cut the rope. He kept on plummeting toward the sea though, falling with Legend.
"Good bye old friend." He said, touching Legends left tusk before he disappeared into the deep blue water. A Sea Shocker floated at the waters surface for Hiccup, who landed upon its back. Toothless came alongside and Hiccup climbed up.
"Let's all go home."

Hi guys! Long time no write, I know. Just been busy with stuff so just hang in there. Also, I know this chapter is short but hopefully it's Good. When I've finished this book (which won't be for a while yet) I'm going to have a couple of months break from writing and then I might make a sequel to one of my books. Which one should it be?

Have a nice day and a new year!😎💯

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