Outcast Island

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By ship it would take a few days to get from Berk to Outcast Island. But by dragon, no less than three hours. To make time pass quicker Hiccup was trying to train the gang and their dragons to do formations in the sky. And let's just say that it wasn't going too well. Astrid and Fishlegs were doing fine, but Snotlout and the twins weren't.
"You are to close to Hookfang! Back off!" Snotlout yelled.
"You can't tell us what to do!" The twins would reply cheekily.
"Oh yes I can!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!"
"Guys! Will you please stop it?!" Hiccup snapped. They ignored him so Toothless spun around and blasted at them.
"Much better. Now, we are getting close to Outcast Island. Remember your training and try not to attack." Hiccup reminded them what he had taught them. They nodded before focusing on the rock stacks that started the Outcast Island border.

Alvin walked towards the arena, his determination set to train that Whispering Death. He had heard that Berk was able to train and ride these beasts, so who said that he couldn't? No one! Besides, it would be a great way to destroy Berk once and for all.
"Sir! The beast is ready for you." His most trusted servant Savage told him as they entered the arena.
"Good." He replied with a slight chuckle.
The Whispering Death hissed at Alvin the minute he spot him. It's six rows of rotating teeth scraping to intimidate him. Spikes rose up on it's back and some he even ejected to try and get rid of the man that stood before him. But to no avail.
"Hello Groundsplitter." Alvin talked to his dragon. It just snarled back at him.

"Hiccup, look! Isn't that Alvin with......a Whispering Death!" Fishlegs squeaked the last part out. Hiccup saw the situation below him. Alvin was now on his back and the Whipering Death about to have his lunch.
"Toothless now!" Hiccup yelled. Toothless shot down through the arena gates and hit the dragon full on before running back to Alvin. Hiccup jumped off and raised his hands at the dragon.
"Stay right there!" He ordered it before glancing at Alvin.
"You alright Alvin?"
"Ye.....yeah...who....who are...you?" Alvin shivered with fright and amazement that this young man singlehandedly stopped Groundsplitter from eating him and was upon the most deadliest dragon in the Archipelago!
"You can call me Rider. And the Nighy Fury is Toothless. You sure are lucky that this thing didn't eat you sooner." Hiccup answered as he approached the dragon and scratched it under the chin. It fell to the ground in sheer pleasure. Hiccup turned around and walked towards Alvin.
"I'am actually here in official business, is there somewhere we can talk?"
"Sure. Follow me. Ah....what about him?" Alvin gestured to Toothless.
"Oh! My apologies. I'll send him back to his friends for a few minutes." Hiccup replied laughing slightly. He flicked Toothless's tail to auto and pointed to the gang hovering above. Toothless gave a low purr before flying up to the gang. Alvin gasped when he spotted that the dragons above all had riders!
"Why are you here? You and your friends could annihilate this place in seconds."
"I'am here to teach you how to ride dragons so that you can sign that treaty with Stoick The Vast. And when you sign that treaty, you will also have my promise of protection, so that when Drago Bloodvist comes to attack this place and anywhere else that train dragons, you won't be annihilated." Hiccup explained persuasively. Alvin stopped in his tracks the minute Hiccup mentioned Drago. He had heard of the story that Drago had an army of dragons that killed every single Chief in that hall except Stoick, because they wouldn't agree to bow down and follow him as their chief.
"Boy, I don't think you understand that Stoick and I don't really get along." Alvin argued.
"Well then, it's about time you two did. Now, what dragons can live here on an Island as dry and dead looking as this?" Hiccup changed the subject.
"Whispering Deaths and Scauldron's like it here. And we occasionally get the odd Changewing and Gronckles." Alvin replied gesturing to a small group of Gronckles fighting over some food.
"Hiccup!! Look out!" Astrid screamed. Alvin looked around to see that Astrid was talking to....Rider? And that Rider was looking at the ground.
"What...she just called you Hiccup? The only Hiccup I know is....." Alvin stopped his speech because the ground started to shake violently before Groundsplitter burst through and roared in every direction. Alvin unsheathed his sword, ready to fight the beast.
"Alvin no! If you want to train dragons the first thing you want to do is show it that your not an enemy." Hiccup approached the enraged creature. It hissed and growled but never tried to eat him. Alvin watched in awe as the young man in front of him placed his hand on the Whispering Deaths nose. Groundsplitter calmed right down and even seemed to purr!
"How....how do you do that?" Alvin gasped, dropping his sword in the meantime.
"I'll show you." Hiccup replied with a smile on his face.

Dark clouds started to plough there way towards Outcast Island. Billowing and threatening anything that came in its path. They were black and heavy. Black as a Night Fury and heavier than Hiccup had ever seen before. In a few minutes they would be upon Outcast Island with full force.
"Alvin! We need to get inside. That storm is going shred everything!" Hiccup yelled as he opened a door to an underground cave that ran below the township. Alvin nodded and followed Hiccup and the gang and their dragons down the winding tunnel. But something bothered Alvin about Rider. Was his name Rider? Or was it Hiccup?
"Hey Rider. Can I have a word with you?" He called Rider back. Rider nodded in response.
"What is your name?"
"Well, Rider is my nickname. My real name is Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III." Hiccup replied slowly.
"Your Stoick's son?! The one that went missing all those years ago?" Alvin asked in horror and surprise.
"Yep. Yep that's me. But I'm glad I was taken by a dragon. If I hadn't I wouldn't be best friends with Toothless or have Astrid as my Bride to be." Hiccup went quiet at the last part. Alvin sighed.
"It's good to see you again. Now that I know who you really are, we have a lot to catch up on!" Alvin showed Hiccup to a table and they had some drinks and chatter before heading off to bed.

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