Chapter Twelve: Making a Move

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//Warning:Small amount of smut up ahead cuz I thought that you guys were getting bored\\
Misaki's POV

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"Mikoto asked me.

'What?What was Mikoto asking? Was he asking me, a bisexual guy, to be his boyfriend?' I asked in confusion.

"Mikoto-San I don't-"

"You don't have to know, Misaki."Mikoto said, getting on the bed.


"Shhhh.It'll be okay, just trust me."Mikoto replied, crawling closer.

I squinted my eyes closed tight.And a few seconds later, I felt a pair of lips pressed against mine.

I melted in the kiss but still didn't know if it was okay to like a close friend.

Mikoto pulled back.

"Aren't you going to kiss back?"Mikoto asked.

There was the question I feared; was I going to kiss back.


"Misaki, you know you can trust me, I'm your closest friend."Mikoto whispered softly in my ear, blowing a small puff of air into my ear afterwards.

So, I trusted him.

He kissed me again and this time, I kissed back.Slowly, the kiss became more passionate and I felt a soft and warm hand go up the back of my shirt onto my warm spin.

"Mikoto-San, what are you doing?"I asked, grabbing onto the wrist that was creeping it's way up my shirt.

"Misaki, I'll make love to you, better than that blue Fushimi could."Mikoto replied, kissing me again.

He licked my lips, sending a shiver down my spin, asking for an entrance.I obediently did as he wanted.

Mikoto slipped his tongue into my mouth and searched it.

"Mmmmm......"Mikoto moaned in pleasure into the kiss as I too was starting to get turned on.

Fushimi's POV

I was storming down the campus hallways, looking for Misaki.

'That bastard Anna! She gave me a note and my scarf! The note said something about going to take Misaki to HOMORA again! That bastard 12 year old!"I cursed in my mind.

Once I made it to the HOMORA building, I knocked on the door frantically.A dirty blond haired boy with square shaped glasses opened the door .Once man saw me, his eyes turned into a slant.

"What are you doing here?"He spat in disgust.

"I'm not here for you.I wanna know if Misaki and Mikoto are here."I replied simply, although my eyes were slanted with hatred as well.

Izumo relaxed a bit and lend against the door frame.

"What if he is? Why would you care? Unless,"Izumo paused, leaning over so that we were only inches apart."you like Misaki.What lead you to that? His looks? His naiveness? That he's too oblivious? Or, the fact that he is just too easy to gain someone's trust? Well, you don't deserve Misaki's trust, you deserve nothing of him.Not his roommate, nor friend, nor classmate, nor Senpai.You don't deserve his heart."

At Izumo's words, my heart ached.

'I don't deserve Misaki? Of course I do!'I thought, anger welling up inside me.

"I deserve Misaki as much as Mikoto does."I replied, glaring at him hard.

Izumo stepped back half a step, startled by my outburst of courage.

"Huh, I guess like I can't keep you back.Mikoto's not gonna be happy 'bout this but, you can look for him.He should be in his room down the hall."Izumo said, opening the door wider as I stepped in.

Misaki's POV

"M-Mikoto were are you-"

"It's okay Misaki."Mikoto replied, leaning against the back board of his bed, with me on his lap as he put his hand up my back, under my shirt.

"But Mikoto-"And this time, the door was the thing that interrupted me.

And there stood my boyfriend, Fushimi.

With a angry and broken look on his face.

//IM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE EARLIER!!!! There were some personal things that needed to be done and school and after school things plus the fact that I had a sleepover last night so, Gomen!!! I'll update tomorrow, Sunday, to make up for it!\\

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