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//SilentVenomKitty here is another one-shot, check out her stuff, her books are awesome! And, the picture above will make more since close to the end of the book.This goes under the 'Ball Drop' category and, it's a Nezushi one-shot!

WARNING: be prepared for MAJOR feelz and possible water works called tears.\\

One-shot: Surprise Gift

Shion age 17
Nezumi age 17

Shion's POV

Every year, No.6 has a big party at the end of the year.Since society collapsed, we don't have New York or anything like that but we do have annual fireworks.

Usually, around this time, the streets are filled with people and bustling noises, and occasionally, warm and welcoming smells.

It's been one year since the walls were destroyed and since I last saw Nezumi and I am now 17. Ever since the wall was destroyed, there have been a few fights but at the beginning, it was a horrible battle. That was, until, the Dom or, City Hall, decided to let the people outside of the wall live in No.6 if they United both cities.

We all accepted the outsiders generously but, some still haven't gotten over what No.6 had done to them and there people so we still have a few fights and arguments.

Every once and a while, I get lost in thought, wondering what Nezumi's doing and if he's okay.

'Nezumi, it's so lonely without you next to me.'I thought, shifting in my blankets and tears started to fall out of my eyes onto the pillow below me, leaving tear stains over it.

I work at my moms bakery and a new publish library I opened. No, I'm not using Nezumi's books, they're too valuable. Since the bakery is slightly too small to live in (with Dogkeeper and my mother ex, it's a little too crowded) so, I'm living in the little room were Nezumi and I had lived in.

I just wish that Nezumi would come back, even if he's supposedly my enemy. And with that thought, I drifted into a nightmare, one that would start the busy New Year's Day tomorrow. A nightmare of Nezumi killing and being killed.And he was killed by none other than


Time Skip: Next morning

I had woke up at least 5 times last night, screaming from the nightmares. I could've sworn at one point last night, Nezumi was here and I had cried my eyes out to him. It was probably just a dream.

I yawned and smelled something nice cooking, causing my eyes to snap wide open.

"Ne......zumi?" I asked cautiously.

"Hm, Shion?"Nezumi asked from the stove.

Instantly, my eyes filled with tears.

"Nezumi!!!!!" I shouted, shoving off the blanket covers and running up and engulfing his waist in a hug.

"Woah there Shion! Careful!"Nezumi shouted, his left hand on my wrist and the other on the frypans handle, trying to make sure it didn't fly off.

"You're back! You're back you're back you're back!"I shouted, nuzzling my nose into his back as tears spilled down my smiling face.

Nezumi let out one of his low chuckle."Yeah, I'm back, Shion." He replied, smiling softly as I continued to cry and hug him.

Time Skip: At The New Years Festival

During Lunch/ Breakfast, Nezumi had asked me if I wanted to go to the festival with him and I eagerly agreed and he only chuckled and smiled at my reply.

Nezumi seems a lot nicer than he did a year ago, I wonder what changed his mind.Anyways, it wouldn't be until another hour till the fire works and ball dropped so Nezumi and were walking around the booths.

"Shion, do you remember when I said that next time we saw each other, that we'd be enemies?"Nezumi asked.

I stopped walking.

Nezumi stopped and looked back at me.I looked at him cautiously.

That seemed to cause him to laugh."Anyways," Nezumi said, a deadly and serious look on his face," we are, in fact, enemies at the moment." Nezumi said.

I gulped slightly and looked at him in shock and fear.

Then, Nezumi's face lightened up into a smile."Come'on, we still have a lot more booths to go to!"Nezumi shouted, running off, leaving me there, petrified.

Time Skip

"Shion, let's go over there."Nezumi said, pointing to a hill covered by trees."This way, we can lay in the grass and watch the fireworks without the trees being in the way."

I followed silently, my mind still thinking back to what had just happened 40 minutes ago.

"We are, in fact, enemies at the moment."Nezumi's sinister words were haunting me.

"Come here!"Nezumi shouted, pulling me over to the spot on the hill.

"The fireworks are going to start in a few minutes."I muttered.

"Really? Perfect timing."Nezumi said, smiling at me.

We stood there in silence for a while.

"Shion, do you love me?" Nezumi asked, staring up at the starry night.

That question had quickly thrown me off guard since I hadn't expected him to ask that.

"What if I do?"I asked him.

He only looked over at me and smiled.

"Then, I'd kiss you."

I stared at him shocked.

"I-I love you, Nezumi."I mutter, since I was blushing like crazy.

Nezumi leaned over towards me and brushed his lips against my ear.

"Sorry Shion, then this'll make things worse as I don't love you. I despise you. And, this is going to hurt a hell lot more than your heart does."Nezumi said.

Then, he kissed me on the lips.

But the pain that came after, was even worse than being shot in the heart.

I let out a muffled cry since Nezumi's lips were on mine.Pain filled tears spilled out of my eyes.

Nezumi pulled back and thrusts the knife deeper into my chest, my blood covering his right hand.

"Ne.......zu....mi, w-why?"I barely managed, more painful tears falling.

"Because, your my enemy.And you sided with that horrid city over me."Nezumi spat, true anger spread on his face.

And, as off on cue, the fireworks started up.

I slowly crumpled to my knees from blood lossage and pain.

"Sorry, Shion, guess this is were we say our final goodbyes."And with that, Nezumi thrusts the knife in my so deep, the knife went out my back.

I coughed up blood, making it land all over Nezumi's right arm jacket sleeve.

"Happy New Years, Shion. My one promise this year, is to kill No.6, starting with you."And with that, the whole world went black, with no noise, no smell, no feeling.

And I died, right then and there, by my best friends hands.

//Any Nezushi fans cry?\\

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