Chapter Twenty- Five: New Kid Pt 3

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//'"When you're hiding a secret from the world,it puts a weight on your shoulders." -Yaegashi Taicki (Kokoro Connect)\\

Later That Night

Shiro's POV

I stormed off away from Misaki in anger. Yatogami followed me, a frown upon his face.

"That was rude."

"That was the truth." I spat back.

He flinched back slightly." would've slept with Saruhiko Fushimi?" Yatogami asked. I tensed slightly.

"Of course. Who wouldn't expect two players to date or sleep with each other?" I replied, though I was sweating from nervousness.

'I don't care what he thinks.......yet, why am I afraid to tell him these things? It's not like I'm falling in love with him after two kisses and a week knowing him!' I shouted at myself.

Yatogami must've noticed my distressed features as he looked at me in worry."Are you feeling okay?" Yatogami asked.

I nodded with a sigh."I just need some rest." I muttered.

Yatogami nodded and followed close behind me."Why do you follow me like a lost dog?" I asked.

Yatogami paused. "Well, because you said that we were dating." Yatogami stated.

I sighed and turned around."Look, like I told Misaki, I'm a player so you probably won't be with me for long because of who I am."I stated.

He flinched slightly but only walked up to me, grabbing my hand and kneeling. "No matter if you cheat on me, I will always love you." Yatogami said, his dead serious eyes looking into mine.

I blushed madly and turned and walked away in a quick hast."I-Idiot! F-fine, think what y-you want!" I stuttered from embarrassment, practically running to the dorm.

Yatogami followed close behind me.

Time Skip

I growled at Yatogami."Stop following me." I growled, laying down in my bed.

Yatogami sat on the bed."Isana, I told you I would love you if you cheated on me." Yatogami said.

"Yes, I was there for that." I growled.

"Well, I want to seal the promise." Yatogami said.

I sat up and scooted back a little."What are?-"

"Isana........ Would you sleep with me?" Yatogami asked.

I looked at him in shock.'He isn't special like I though, he's just like every boy I've met, they only cared about my looks. I thought Yatogami wasn't like all the other boys.I thought he was.......'

Time Skip

I had ran out of my room yesterday in a haste, and I slept in my car.

Yatogami was no different from all the other boys I've met. Every boy wants to get with me. Every boy only looks at my body and instantly wants it.

And I thought Yatogami was different from the rest.

I guess not.

//Yeah, sorry for short update. Since today's Super Bowl here in America, I'm going to update all my books! And I'll be updating this book one more time today and it'll be longer.\\

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