Chapter Twenty-Six: Christmas Gift Pt 3

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//Oh, and, FYI, Misaki's amnesia is fading away so, that's why he's questioning their relationship

"A buddies a buddy, no matter how nutty" -Sawada Tsunyoshi (Kagayaki no Takuto)

December 24,2015

Misaki's POV

I sighed, laying my head down on my desk. It's been three days, three days since I last spoke to Saruhiko.

I ignore him in the halls and sleep at Mikoto's house, who welcomed me with open arms.

I still question Saru and my relationship. I hate to question it but......if what Shiro said was true, then Saru was just using me for his fun. He fucking even took my first kiss, and my first time! He was a player I should've never trusted.

Yatogami saw my distressed look and walked up to me, sitting down.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Just......Shiro's words are getting to me." I said, sighing.

Yatogami nodded."Yeah, he's worrying me too."Yatogami admitted, sitting down next to me.

We chatted a little bit about ourselves and our worries about Shiro and Saru. He's really nice and gets me once you get to know him. I felt a heated gaze on the back of my neck and turned around to see.......Saru.

Saru's POV

I glared at Yatogami as he spoke to my Misaki. I stared at the back of Misaki's head intensely, trying to get his attention. He finally looked my way and I walked over to him.

"So, Yatogami, what were you two talking about?" I asked.

Yatogami glared at me slightly and shook his head."It's private to only Misaki and I." He replied.

That really pissed me off. A lot.

"I'll need to be taking Misaki now."I said, glaring at AmYayogami and taking Misaki's hand, dragging him to the bathroom. I locked the door and hugged Nisaki tightly.

"We're have you been? Why have you been ignoring me lately? Please tell me." I asked.

"I've been going to school and sleeping over at Mikoto's house."My eyes slanted at the sound of that."And I haven't ignored you." Misaki said.

"Misaki, you have."I said, cornering Misaki as I took steps closer to him and he took steps back.

"You're just imagining things." Misaki said, taking another step back.

"No I'm not." I replied, taking a step forward.

Misaki took another step back and his back hit the bathroom wall. I smirked and loomed over him.

"My senses tell me you're lying." I replied with a slight frown.

Before he could protest, I kissed him.

Misaki fought and managed to push me off of him. He panted for breath and bolt out the door.

"Wait! Misaki!" I shouted after him.

Why was Misaki being so secretive? I hate but I want to know why. I ended up walking out of the bathroom and bumped into............Shiro.......

"Watch where you're going!" Shiro exclaimed, rubbing his forehead.

"Shiro?......." I asked in astonishment.

Shiro's head shot up once he recognized my voice."Saru? You're the one I bumped into?" Shiro asked

I nodded."Um, have you seen Misaki?" I asked.

Shiro shook his head, inching closer to me. "Are you sure I wasn't the one you were looking for?" Shiro asked.

I mentally gagged."I'm over you, Shiro. And I've stopped my player ways." I said.

Shiro glared at nothing."What? Are you trying to get Misaki's approval? Are you telling me that Misaki accepts you? Because, by the look of how Misaki ran out of the bathroom, you're doing a great job." Shiro growled.

I slanted my eyes."You lied! You did see Misaki!" I shouted angrily, standing up.

"So what if I lied? You lied. You lied all about yours and Misaki's relationship. Oh yes, honey, I know that your relationship was based off a lie. Was." Shiro said laughing.

"You dirty son of a-"

"Ah ah ah, you don't want your little Misaki hearing you say that, now would you?" Shiro asked.

I glared at Shiro."You slut. You just want to have a sexual affair with me." I spat.

Shiro wasn't fazed."So what if Im a slut? I'm also a player and I do whatever I want, that's the power of being rich. Oh wait, you aren't rich,are you?" Shiro asked.

My blood was boiling."I bet you've never loved a single person in your life! I bet everyone you meet ends up hating you or in your bed!" I shouted in anger.

"You might end up in my bed next." Shiro said with a grin.

I only glared at him more."You disgust me." I spat.

Shiro shrugged."So what? As long as I get what I want, I'm fine in life." Shiro said, leaning in closer.

"I pity you, never loved and always ignored, never noticed by anyone. Is this why you act like a slut who wants to get in every boys pants? I bet if you felt love, like I have, then you would change your mind. I bet, if someone loved you, you'd understand." I said.

Shiro hesitated but only smirked."I hope you like me." He muttered, pressing his lips against mine.

My eyes opened wide and I heard footsteps, rapid foot steps.

"Fushimi!" A voice shouted with anger.

I recognized the voice. 'Misaki.' I thought. But why was he calling me my last name again?

By the time I pulled away to look at Misaki, I was met with a fist to the face.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU LIED TO ME!!! YOU SAID WE WERE BOYFRIENDS!!!! YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!!!! I hate you. And you even kissed Shiro and betrayed the amnesia me. You fucking took my first time. The pain you feel should be humongous." Misaki said, hot tears running down his cheeks.

"Misaki I-"

"Shut up! You have no right to speak!Misaki said, his tears falling more as his voice cracked.

'He knows. He remembers. Misaki remembers.' I thought.

"You're just like everyone else. If you were popular, I would beat you up but then I would have no friends. Oh, and, if you were wondering, we're broken up." Misaki said, walking away.

I grabbed his wrist and his bangs covered his eyes.

"Misaki......please." I begged, not realizing till now that I was crying.


//Heart wrenching!!!! I'll update tomorrow for Valentine's Day'll be an Addition instead of a real chapter, sorry! Oh, and if you're deciding to be in the contest, tomorrow's your final day to enter!!!!\\

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