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      We pan over a dark suburban neighborhood street and focus in on one nicely kept house. A man in his thirties, with red hair and a beard, exits the house with a bag of garbage. He takes it out to the garbage cans and stuffs it in.

      As he walks back to the house, the garbage cans rattle. He stares, walking cautiously towards them. They continue to rattle; he looks up and sees a demonic cloud swirling over the Chicago skyline in the distance. Panicked, he runs back towards the house, but trips before he gets there.

      A tendril of demon smoke pours into his mouth. He opens his eyes; they are black. The now-possessed man stands, looking towards the rest of the demonic cloud now streaming towards chicago, and smiles.


      Sam and Elena are sitting in the Impala. She watches as Sam reads a book. The header at the top of the page reads "Dr. Faustus".

      Sam looks up to see Dean inside the house across from him; he is wearing only an undershirt. Dean grins and gives Sam a double-thumbs up, at which Sam shakes his head, smiling fondly.

      A Hot Girl comes into frame from off right, and Dean shuts the curtains; they can be seen undressing each other in silhouette. Sam's phone rings. "Hello." He says.

      Bobby is seen driving along another dark highway in his own beat-up car. "Hey, Sam." He says.

      "Hey, Bobby."

      "What're you doing?" Bobby asks.

      "Oh, same old, same old."

      "You buried in that book again?" Bobby asks as he grimaces. "Sam, you want to break Dean free of that demon deal, you ain't gonna find the answer in no book."

      "Then where, Bobby?" Asks Sam.

      "Kid, I wish I knew. So,where's your brother?"

      Sam answers without missing a beat. "Polling the electorate." He says.

      "What?" Bobby asks.

      "Never mind."

      "Well, you boys better pack it up. I think I finally found something." Bobby says.

      Sam hangs up. "I'll wait here." Elena says.

      Inside the house, he knocks on the bedroom door, opening it slowly. "Dean?" Sam enters the room. "Dean, you-you conscious? Bobby called, and he thinks that maybe we-" He stares in horror. "Oh, god."

      Later, Sam, Elena and Dean are in the Impala, Dean driving. "Let me see your knife." Sam says.

      "What for?" Dean asks.

      "So I can gouge my eyes out." Sam says.

      "Wait. You saw Dean naked?" Elena asks. "Awkward."

      "It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam." Dean says.

      "It's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean."

      Dean chuckles and slaps Sam on the thigh. "Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint Twins." He says.

      "No problem." Sam says.

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