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      "Tamara! I got away, but I'm hurt bad! I need help!" Isaac/Demon yells.

      Bobby turns to Tamara. "It's not him. It's one of those demons. It's possessing his corpse." Isaac pounds on the door.

      "Baby! Why won't you let me in? You left me behind back there. How could you do that? We swore... At that lake in Michigan. Remember? We swore we would never leave each other!" Isaac yells.

      Tamara begins sobbing. "How did he know that?" She asks.

      "Steady, Tamara." Bobby says.

      "You just gonna leave me out here? You just gonna let me die?! I guess that's what you do, dear! Like that night those things came to our house... came for our daughter! You just let her die,too." Isaac says.

      "You son of a bitch!" She yells.

      "Tamara, no!" Bobby yells.

      Tamara pushes the door open, breaking the salt line, and tackles Isaac down the steps. She lands on top of him and raises the Palo Santo. "You're not Isaac!" She plunges the wood deep into his chest; it sizzles, and he screams.

      The other six demons cross the broken salt line and enter the house. One, an overweight middle-aged guy, corners Bobby, who backs up slowly. He stalks Bobby confidently, smiling, until he stops as if he's run into an invisible wall. He looks around, confused.

      He is under another ceiling-devil's-trap. He looks at Bobby, pleading. Bobby smiles. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Bobby says.

      In another hallway, Dean is cornered by the waitress. They fight; she advances on him. Meanwhile, Elena is running down the hallway when someone knocks her to the ground. Wrath is standing above her. It picks her up and flings her to the wall.

      "Don't!" Elena yells and gets up off the ground.

      "You're weaker than I expected." He says.

      It grabs Elena by the hair and flings her to the ground once again. He gets on top of her and strokes her hair. "Get off of me!"

      "Come on, we can have a little fun." Before the Demon could kiss her, Elena kicks him in the chest and sends him flying into a table. She gets up and dusts herself off.

      "I am not weak." She sneers.

      The Demon smiles and also shakes himself off. "This'll be fun."

     He charges at Elena, but she easily dodges. The Demon is confused, but manages to get up and punch Elena in the stomach. Sam appears out of nowhere. "Elena!" He yells.

      He begins running, but all of a sudden, Elena grabs the Demon and twists him around. He screams in agony as she forces his arm behind his back, pulling it higher. "Who's weak?" She asks as she punches him in the face.

      Sam watches in astonishment. Elena notices another Palo Alto stake on a table and runs to get it. The Demon grabs her leg, but she kicks back and hits him in the head. He stumbles back and when she manages to get the stake, she stands on the table on jumps on him, stabbing him in the chest. The Demon sizzles and falls to the ground.

      "Elena..?" Sam asks as she looks up.

      Elena looks around and drops the stake. "I don't know what happened...did I just do that?" She asks and Sam nods.

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