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Elizabeth, Renee AND Tammi are around the coffee table again with the altar set up, chanting. "Kihér tolic echranmuk madan fiéré marc oh don duer kianave-"

Sam kicks in the door and the women scream out of fear getting up from the altar raising their hands in surrender. Sam enters the room with the colt drawn. "Let him go." He says.

"Let who go? What are you doing? You're insane, get out!" Renee yells.

"Look, if you know about me, you know about this gun, you're killing my brother, now let him go. Get away from the altar." Sam says.


"Now!" Sam yells. They all move away from the altar with their hands still up as Sam keeps the colt trained on them.

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Elena is crouched next to Dean as he leans over a pool of blood he has spit out gasping and coughing blood still. There are quick footsteps outside and the door is kicked open and Ruby steps in and finds Dean who looks up and sees her.

"You wanna kill me? Get in line bitch." Dean says.

Ruby goes over to Dean and pulls him up by the collar tossing him on the bed, leans over him and forces his mouth open with her left hand as Elena tries to push her away.

Ruby sprays a black liquid into his mouth from a bag at her side with her right hand while Dean still struggles under her hold. Ruby stands up as Dean chokes on the liquid and spits some back out.

"Stop calling me bitch."

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Sam is still aiming the gun at the witches. "Go." He says as Elizabeth, Renee and Tammi move over in front of the fireplace with their hands still up in the air.

"What- we- we weren't hurting anyone." Elizabeth says.

"Please we don't even know your brother." Renee says.

"Stop the spell or die, five seconds." Sam says.


Sam cocks the gun and points it back at them. "Four." He says.

"No, please, please don't kill us." Renee says.

"We were just getting Renee a lower mortgage rate." Elizabeth says. Sam looks confused but still holds the gun ready.

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"Next time you point that gun at me, I'm not gonna just disappear, understand?" Ruby tosses a sawed off shotgun over to Dean who is back to sitting on the foot of the bed, his face is cleaned off from the blood and liquid 'cure' that Ruby gave him.

"You saved my life." Dean says.

"Don't mention it." Ruby says.

"What was that stuff? God, it was ass, it tasted like ass." Dean says and Elena couldn't help but chuckle in relief.

"It's called, witchcraft shortbus." Ruby turns and walks out of the room closing the door behind her and leaving Dean on the bed slightly offended.

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