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      Bela approaches her car and is startled by a figure just as she reaches it. It is Gordon. "It's rude to sneak up on people." She says.

      "Bela Talbot." He says.

      "You have me at a disadvantage. I don't know who you are." Bela says.

      "Gordon Walker."

      "I've heard of you. Heard you were in prison." Bela says.

      "Got out." Gordon says.

      "Released early on good behavior?" She has opened the car door and casually reaches inside.

      Gordon holds up a small gun. "You looking for this?" He removes the clip. "I know you were just in Massachusetts, and I know you were with the Winchester boys. Tell me where they are."

      "I don't think I know." Says Bela.

      Gordon pulls another, larger handgun on her. "Why don't you think a little harder?" He asks.

      "Put that down. What's so pressing about finding the boys,anyway?" Bela asks.

      "Sam Winchester's the Antichrist."

      "I'd heard something about that..." Bela says.

      "It's true." Says Gordon.

      "...from my good friend, the Easter Bunny, who'd heard it from the Tooth Fairy. Are you off your meds?"

      "The world hangs in the balance. So you go ahead and be a smart-ass, but tell me where they are, or I shoot." Gordon says.

      "Gordon, you and I don't know each other very well, so let me tell you a little something about me." Bela says. "I don't respond well to threats, but you make me an offer, and I think you'll find me highly cooperative."

      "Okay." Gordon lowers the gun. "How about..." He raises the gun. "you tell me where they are, or I kill you right now?"

      "Kill me. Good luck finding Sam and Dean." Bela says.

      "I can wrangle up three grand." Gordon says.

      "I don't get out of bed for three grand."

      "You..." As he lowers his arm, Bela sees a small cloth bag hanging at his belt. Her eyes light up.

      "Scratch that. Give me the mojo bag, and we'll call it even." Says Bela.

      "Oh, hell no. This thing's a century old. It's..." Gordon starts.

      "Priceless. Believe me, I know. Now, how badly do you want the Winchesters?" Bela asks and Gordon tosses her the bag, she pulls out her cell phone and dials. "Hello, Dean? Hey, where are you?"

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      Sam, Elena and Dean find a man lying bleeding but conscious on the ground. He has been bitten in the neck. They crouch over him. "Hey, hey. don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?" Sam says.

      "Where is she? Where'd she go?!" Dean yells. The man gestures vaguely down the alley.

     Sam stays with the man as Dean runs off in that direction. He stops in the middle of an open space, raises his machete and slowly draws it across his left forearm, drawing blood. He holds the bleeding arm up.

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