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      The Christmas decorations on the lawn are lit up with lights and Christmas music plays. A number of bowls and a knife are set out on the kitchen table which Elena lies on top of, unconscious.

      Sam and Dean are tied up in chairs, back to back. "Elena!" He yells, but she doesn't wake up. "Dean? You okay?"

      "Yeah, I think so." Dean sighs.

      Sam sighs. "So, I guess we're dealing with Mr. and Mrs. God." He asks and Dean nods. "Nice to know."

      The Carrigans come into the kitchen, dressed in colorful Christmas- themed sweaters. "Ooh, and here we thought you two lazybones were gonna sleep straight through all the fun stuff." Madge giggles.

      "Miss all this? Nah, we're partiers." Dean says.

      Mr Carrigan smokes his pipe. "Isn't he a kick in the pants, honey? You're hunters, is what you are." He says.

      "And you're pagan gods. So, why don't we just call it even and go our separate ways?" Dean asks.

      "What, so you can bring more hunters and kill us?" Mr Carrigan laughs. "I don't think so."

      "Maybe you should have thought about that before you went snacking on humans." Sam says.

      "Oh now, don't get all wet."

      "Oh, why, we used to take over a hundred tributes a year and that's a fact." Madge puts a napkin on Dean's lap. "Now what do we take? What, two? Three?" She puts another napkin on Sam's lap.

      "Hardy boys here and Sleeping Beauty make five." Mr Carrigan says.

      "Just let her go." Sam pleads.

      "Now, that's not so bad, is it?" Madge asks.

      "Well, you say it like that-I guess you guys are the Cunninghams." Dean says sarcastically.

      "You, mister, better show us a little respect." Me Carrigan says.

      "Or what? You'll eat us?" Sam asks.

      "Not so fast." Me Carrigan looks at Madge who looks excited. "There's rituals to be followed first."

      "Oh, we're just sticklers for ritual." Madge says.

      "And you know what kicks off the whole shebang?" Mr Carrigan asks as Madge smiles.

      "Let me guess...meadowsweet." Dean says.


      "Oh shucks, you're all out of wreaths. I guess we'll just have to cancel the sacrifice, huh?" Dean asks.

      "Oh, don't be such a gloomy Gus." Marge puts wreaths around Dean's and Sam's necks. She places one on Elena's stomach. "There. Ohh... Don't they just look darling?"

      "Good enough to eat." Mr Carrigan smacks his lips. "All right-roo. Step number two."

      Mr Carrigan walks to Sam carrying a knife and a bowl. He holds the bowl under Sam's arm and prepares to cut him with the knife. "Sammy?! Sammy?!" Dean yells.

      Mr Carrigan slices Sam's arm and collects his blood in the bowl. "D-Don't!" Sam screams

      "Leave him alone, you son of a bitch!" Dean yells.

      "Hear how they talk to us? To Gods?" Mr Carrigan asks as Madgr takes the knife and bowl. "Listen, pal, back in the day, we were worshiped by millions."

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