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      Bela enters, turning to close the door behind her. Dean pushes her back against the door. He lays his arm across her throat and points his gun at her face. Elena is behind them with the gun trained on Bela.

      "Where's the Colt?" Dean asks.

      "Dean." Bella says.

      "No extra words." Dean says.

      "It's long gone, across the world by now."

      "You're lying." Elena says and Dean grabs her bag from her hand to look in it.

      "I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi?" Bela asks. Dean grabs her around the waist, pulling her against him. "What the hell are you..."

      Dean quickly frisks her, find her gun and holds it up to her. "Don't flatter yourself." Dean uses the point of his gun to snap on the room's lights, then points it at her again.

      "Don't move." Elena says. Dean begins searching the room, leaving Bela standing against the door.

      "I told you I don't have it." Bela says.

      "Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gonna take your word for it." Dean turns his back and continues rifling through her draws. Bela slides along the wall toward the door.

      A bullet goes through the door, inches from her head. She freezes. "I said don't move." Elena says and Dean continues searching.

      "It's gone. Get on a plane if you must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually." Bela says. Dean finishes searching and returns to Bela, taking a stance and pointing his gun at her head. "Are you going to kill me?"

      "Oh, yeah." Dean says.

      "You're not the cold-blooded type."

      "You mean like you? That's true. See, I couldn't imagine killing my parents." Dean says.

      Bela looks shocked but regroups. "I don't know what you're talking..." She says.

      "Yes, you do. You were, what, 14? Folks died in some shady car accident. Police suspected a slashed brake line, but it was all too crispy to tell." Dean says. "Oh, I'm sorry, Abby...inheriting millions."

      "How did you even..." Bela starts.

      "Doesn't matter." Dean says.


      Young Abby (Bela) is sitting on her bed, crying. A man slowly walks into the room and turns to close the door. She looks terrified.


      "They were lovely people. And I killed them. And I got rich. I can't be bothered to give a damn." Bela says. "Just like I don't care what happens to you."

      Dean pushes her roughly against the door with his arm across her throat again. A strand of woven herbs is dislodged from the ledge above the door but no one notices. "You make me sick." He says.

      "Likewise." Says Bela. Dean takes a step back and again points his gun at her head, smirking. She stares back, then closes her eyes. Dean is distracted and looks up, spying the herbs hanging over the ledge. He looks back at her, thinking.

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