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Hospital activity around a nurses station. Sam, Elena and Dean, in suits, approach the station. Two Sheriff's deputies exit a patient's room. Sam and Dean turn away from them and focus on a set of flowers on the counter. The deputies pass by.

Sam, Elena and Dean turn and continue down the corridor to the room where the deputies exited.

Inside Julie's hospital room, she cries. "Please, please." She says.

"Shh. Hey, we need to observe you while the drugs still might be in your system." Dr Garrison Says.

"I have to go. I have things to do, arrangements I need to make!" Julie yells.

"It can wait. Now you need to rest. Stay. Be back in a few minutes." Dr. Garrison walks toward Sam and Dean, who are standing in the doorway.

"Detectives." Garrison says.

"Dr. Garrison." Dean says.

"What the hell is going on here? My whole town is going insane." Garrison says.

"We'll let you know as soon as we do." Sam says.

Dr. Garrison leaves. The gang move into the room. "Ms. Watson? Hi. We just need to ask you a few questions." Elena says.

Dean and Sam produce their badges. "Do we have to go over this again, now?" Julie asks.

"We'll try to be brief." Sam says. "Ms Watson, can you tell us how you got away?"

Julie nods. "I didn't eat as much as Ken did, so I wasn't as out of it. And, when the old woman was...carving up Ken, I shoved her and she fell. Cracked her head on the stove. She's dead, right? I- I killed her?" She asks.

"D'you have any idea why she did this to you?" Dean asks.

"No! One minute she was a sweet old lady and the next she was, like, a monster." Julie says.

"Can you remember anything else?" Sam asks.

"Um, yeah. Did you find a little girl there, by any chance?"

"A little girl? At the house?" Elena asks.

"I thought I saw her outside the window. She just disappeared. Just vanished, into thin air." Sam and Dean look at each other. "It m-must've been the drugs."

"This disappearing girl what'd what did she look like?" Dean asks.

"Does it matter?" Julie asks.

"Yes. Every detail matters." Sam says.

Julie sighs. "She had this dark, dark hair and really pale skin. She was around eight. She was a beautiful child, it was...odd to see her in the middle of something so horrible." She says.

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The Impala is parked outside. "Well there's no sulphur anywhere, how about the EMF?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, it's going nuts. Right over here by the window. There's definitely a spirit here." Sam says.

"Who stood outside the crime scene and watched." Elena says.

"Looks like."

"What the hell do you make of that?" Dean asks.

"Actually I do have a theory. Uh, sorta." Sam says.

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