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      Sam is seated, watching the security footage, as Bobby, Elena and Dean hover. "Anything interesting?" Dean asks.

      "I don't know yet. Might just be a guy..." Sam starts as they watch the Redheaded Man approach the Blonde Woman. "Or it might be our guy."

     "So what do we do?" Elena asks.

      Sam gets up out of the chair. "I'm going to go research. It'll only take a second." He says.

      "Okay." Elena says. "Be safe."

      She grabs his head and kisses him for a moment. Dean tries to play off his jealousy by turning away. Sam leaves and walks up the street, hands in his pockets. The mysterious young woman who had earlier watched the house, slips onto the street several paces behind him and follows. Sam senses that he's being followed, stops, and turns. She is gone.

[ ☾]

      Dean, Bobby and Bobby are staking out a bar, sitting in Bobby's car. "What time is it?" Bobby asks.

      "Seven past midnight." Elena says as she looks at her watch.

      "You sure this is the right place?" Bobby asks Dean.

      "No. But I spent all day canvassing this stupid town with this guy's stupid mug, and, supposedly, he drinks at this stupid bar." Dean argues.

      There is a loud pounding on the window and they all jump, scared. It is Sam, who grins at their discomfort and slips into the back seat next to Elena. "That's not funny!" Dean yells.

      "Yeah." Sam says. "Uh, all right, so-so, John Doe's name is Walter Rosen. He's from Oak Park, just west of Chicago. Went missing about a week ago."

      "The night the Devil's Gate opened?" Dean asks.


      "So you think he's possessed?" Elena asks.

      "It's a good bet." Sam says.

      Dean sighs. "So, what, he just walks up to someone, touches them, and they go stark raving psycho?" He asks.

      "Those demons that got out at the gate-they're gonna do all kinds of things we haven't seen." Says Bobby.

      "You mean the demons we let out?" Sam asks.

      Dean sees something. "Guys." The Redheaded Man gets out of his car and walks towards the bar. "All right. Showtime."

      "Wait a minute." Bobby says.


      "What did I just say? We don't know what to expect out of this guy. We should tail him till we know for sure." Bobby says.

     "Oh, so he kills someone and we just sit here with our junk in our hands?" Dean asks.

      "We're no good dead!" Bobby yells. "And we're not gonna make a move until we know what the score is."

      "Hey, Bobby, I don't think that's an option." Sam says.

      "Why not?"

      Sam nods, indicating another car that has just entered the lot: Isaac and Tamara get out and head towards the bar.

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