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Wayne and Grossman are still laid out on the floor. Wayne comes to and gets up, groaning. "Grossman. Grossman, get up." He kicks an empty beer bottle. It rolls into the kitchen. "Hey, Grossman, get up. Hey!"

Wayne nudges Grossman with his foot and walks into the kitchen. Grossman is unresponsive. He steps over the beer bottle and heads to the sink, removing two plates, a colander and a large BBQ carving fork and placing them in the drainer.

He turns on the tap and splashes water on his face and dries off with a dish cloth. "Hey, Grossman. Grossman!"

Wayne goes to walk back out of the kitchen, his foot catching on the beer bottle in the middle of the floor. He trips and falls backwards, landing on the fork he placed in the drainer.

Grossman comes to, gets up and hears choking. He walks into the kitchen and sees Wayne impaled on the fork through the neck. The prongs are sticking out of his mouth. He screams.

[ ☼ ]

Dean lays out 6 scratch cards on the hood of the Impala, calculating their winnings. He laughs. "Oh man!"

Sam is on the phone to Bobby. "Now look Bobby, we didn't know." Sam says.

"You touched it? Damn it, Sam!" Bobby yells.

"Well Dad never told us about this thing. I mean you knew about his storage place at Black Rock?" Sam asks.

"His lockup? Yeah, I knew. Hell I built those curse boxes for him." Bobby says. "Listen, you have got a serious problem."

Sam notices something shining under a newspaper on the ground. It's a gold watch. "That rabbit's foot ain't no dime store notion."

Sam picks up the watch, turns and shows it to Dean. Dean mouths "awesome!" "It's real Hoodoo, Old World stuff." Bobby says. Made by a Baton Rouge conjurorwoman about a hundred years ago."

"It's a Hell of a luck charm." Sam says.

"It's not a luck charm, she made it to kill people, Sam!" Bobby yells. "See, you touch it, you own it. You own it, sure, you get a run of good luck to beat the Devil. But, you lose it, that luck turns. It turns so bad that you're dead inside a week."

"Well, so I won't lose it Bobby." Sam says.

"EVERYBODY LOSES IT!" Bobby yells.

"Well then how do we break the curse?" Sam asks.

Bobby sighs. "I don't know if you can." He says. Sam places the rabbit's foot in his jacket pocket. "Lemme look through my library and make some calls. Just sit tight." Bobby ends the call. He appears to be working on the Colt.

"Dude! We're up fifteen grand!" Dean yells.

Sam, Elena and Dean enter Biggersons. "Don't worry, Bobby'll find a way to break it. Until then I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man. You can be Rain Man." Dean says.

"Look, we just lay low until Bobby calls back, OK?" Sam says and turns to the owner. "Hi, uh, table for three please."

"CONGRATULATIONS!" The Owner says as an alarm goes off.

"It's exciting, I know." Dean says.

"You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!" The Owner says and the staff start singing and taking photographs. Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling. Sam looks embarrassed while Dean looks ecstatic.

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