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      An athletic young woman is running along the docks at night. She stops at a water fountain and takes a drink. She hears thunder and looks up, out over the water; sliding past not too far away is a ghostly old sailing ship.

      She removes her headphones and stares as it crosses into the harbor, then vanishes. She puts her headphones back in, still spooked, and jogs off.

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      Later, the same woman is showering. A dark figure approaches and places his hand on the glass of the shower door. She doesn't notice until he rubs at the glass, making a squeaking noise.

       She pokes her head out and looks around the bathroom, but sees nothing. She goes back into the shower; moments later a man in an overcoat grabs her from behind and begins to strangle her.

      He slams her against the walls of the shower several times until she slides to the floor, apparently dead.

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       Dean is driving, Sam in the passenger's seat. There is a tense silence in the car, which Dean breaks. "So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?" He asks Sam.

      "It's not your birthday." Sam says, playing dumb.


      "Happy...Purim? Dude, I don't know. I have no idea what you're talking-" Sam starts.

      "There's a bullet missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened?" Dean asks. "I know it wasn't me. So unless you were shooting at some incredibly evil cans...You went after her, didn't you? The Crossroads Demon. After I told you not to."

      "Yeah, well..." Sam drones.

      Elena can't believe what she was hearing. "You could have gotten yourself killed!" She yells.

      "I didn't." Sam says.

      "And you shot her." Elena says angrily.

      "She was a smartass."

      "So, what? Does that mean I'm out of my deal?" Dean asks.

      "Don't you think I might have mentioned that little fact, Dean?" Sam asks. "No. Someone else holds the contract."

      "Who?" Dean asks.

      "She wouldn't say."

      "Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon. Oh, wait a minute..." Dean starts.

      "That's not funny." Sam says.

      "No, it's not! It was a stupid freaking risk, and you shouldn't have done it." Dean says to Sam.

      "I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother, Dean. And no matter what you do, I'm gonna try and save you. And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, all right?"

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      Sam, Elena and Dean are impersonating officers of the law to interview a witness. She is holding a framed photograph of the shower-drowning victim. The witness' name is Gertrude Case, and she is elegant and well-groomed and approximately 70 years old. As the scene continues, she begins to flirt shamelessly with Sam.

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