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Jared, Nina and Jensen are sitting in a motel room. Jensen opens the door and we see Ruby walk in.

Ruby: Turn on the news

Jared turns the tv on. A fighting scene is happening in the police station as a bunch of demons scream and yell. Jensen shrugs and looks at the camera.



Jensen: You're taller in person. I got that one


Jensen, Jared and Nina are smiling at the camera.


Henriksen: You know what I'm trying to decide?

Jensen: Whether sialas can fix that little condition of yours?

Henriksen: What to have for dinner tonight

Offset: Let's try that again. Roll it again. Cialis

Jared: Cialis

Jensen: What'd I say?

Offset: Cialis

Jared: How do you know that Phil? *begins laughing*


Jensen laughs into the camera


Ruby: She slaughtered your precious little virgin plus a hundred... *forgets lines*


Jensen, Nina and Jared are in their jail cell.

Jensen: Well that can't be good


Ruby: She slaughtered your precious little virgin plus...f***!


The Old Woman from the Christmas episode holds a knife in Jensen's face.

Old Woman: You know what I say when I feel like swearing? Fudge.


Ruby: Throw Lilith off your tail? *laughs*


Jensen: Son of a bitch!


Ruby: I'm sorry. I thought I just heard you say you were stupid enough to let the Colt get slipped out of your...dammit, f***!

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