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      Dean rings the doorbell, and Lisa opens the door looking bewildered. "Dean?" She asks.

      "I was thinking... Ben's birthday. I didn't bring him a present." Dean says.

      "That's okay." Lisa says.

      "No. No, no, I feel terrible, so,uh..." Dean hands her a credit card. "Here. Take a long weekend-just the two of you-on me."


      "I hear Six Flags is great this time of year. Go now. avoid the traffic." Dean says.

      Lisa reads the name on the card. "'Siegfried Houdini.' Whose card is this?" She asks.

      "Mine. Never mind. It'll work. I promise."

      "You should leave." Lisa says.


      Ben comes down the stairs. "Mommy, what's wrong?" He asks.

      "Nothing, Ben. It's cool." Dean says.

     "Make him go away, mommy." Ben says lamely.

      "You heard him. Get out." Lisa says.

      "Lisa...I don't think this is a good idea." Dean says.

      "Get out!" Lisa slams the door in Dean's face and he goes to the Impala where Elena and Sam are waiting.

      "They took Ben. He's changed." Dean says.

      "What?! Are you sure?" Elena asks.

      "Yeah, I'm sure. I checked his windowsill." Dean says.

      "Blood?" Sam asks.

      "I don't think it is blood, and I think I know where the kids are."

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      There's a large mound of dirt outside the semi-finished home. Sam inspects it. "Red dirt." Sam says.

      "That's what was on the window. You guys take the front. I'll go around." Dean says.

      Inside, Dean finds a series of cages, each containing abducted kids. He sees Ben. "Ben..Ben...it's okay. I'm gonna get you out of here." He says.

      In the back, the Real Estate Woman sees Sam and Elena. "What do you think you're doing? This is private property. I'm calling the police. You heard me! Get out!" She yells.

      Sam reaches for his bag. "Let me get my bag. I'm going. I don't mean to cause any trouble." He says.

      At Lisa's house, Ben starts acting like a Creepy Child, standing stiff-armed in the living room. "Mommy?" He asks.


      "Play with me." He says.

      "This isn't funny anymore. I put you to bed three times." Lisa says.

      Ben hugs her. "I don't want to go to bed. I want to be with you,mommy." He says.

      "That's sweet, hon. Come on. Let's go. All right, come on." Lisa says.

       "I'm hungry."

      "Mini pizzas okay? Deluxe is all we've got." She says.


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