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Sam is by the desk, resting his head on his arm. Drool covers his hand and he's got a smile on his face. Dean and Elena are sitting in the background, looking through the papers about the case. Sam smiles a little more and then realizes it was just a dream.

His smile disappears and he sits up, wiping his face with the back of his hand. The Same hand he had drool on, which he discovers. He wipes his face with his other arm. Dean smiles at him.

"Dude, you were out. Making some serious happy noises." Dean says.

"Yeah." Elena says. "What were you dreaming about?"

Sam looks very uncomfortable and doesn't look over at Dean. "What? No one. Nothing." He says.

"Come on, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie?" Dean asks.


"Brad Pitt?" Dean asks.

Sam turns around, almost looking at him. "No. No. Dude, it doesn't matter." He says.

"Whatever." Dean says.

"Whatever." Sam mocks.

"I called Bela." Dean says. Sam gets still at this, a smile quickly flashes by. Trying to cover his voice when answering.

"Bela? Yeah? She-What'd she.. you know, say? She.. gonna.. help us?" Sam asks and Elena watches his face closely.

"Shockingly, no, which puts us back to square one. I've been trying to decipher the Doctor's notes. Unfortunately, he has worse handwriting than you do." Dean says.

Sam is still in his chair, back to Dean and Elena , looking around a little. "You gonna come help me with this stuff?" Dean looks over at him.

Sam looks around, and then down to his.. well, you know. He looks up, still keeping his back to Dean. "Yeah, yeah. Just give me a sec." He moves around a bit in his seat, moving his hands around.

Suddenly a knock on the door sounds. They both turn in its direction. Sam stays in his chair as Elena gets up to open the door. Dean opens the door just inches, just like Sam did in his dream.

When she sees who it is, she looks annoyed and opens up the door, walking with it. "Bela." Elena says. "As I live and breathe." Bela enters, wearing a similar trenchcoat to the one in Sam's dream, only this one is black and the other one was tanned.

Sam reacts to her right away due to the dream, and tries to cover up his "situation". "You guys called me. Remember?" Bela says.

"I remember you turning me down." Dean says.

"Well, I'm just full of surprises."

Sam is still in the chair, waves one hand at her while the other is placed to continute to cover things up. He's not looking at her.

"Hey, Bela. What's going on?" Sam asks.

Dean looks from her to Sam, and she just continues on. "I brought you your African Dream Root." Bela hands over a jar of it to Dean. "Nasty stuff, and not easy to come by." She puts her bag on the TV and goes to open her coat, with her back to Sam.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Dean asks.

"What? I can't do you a little favor every now and again?" Bela asks.

Sam gets a bit more tense but curious of her as she's removing her coat. He's obviously got his mind somewhere else. "No, you can't." Elena says.

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