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A cold rain lashes a large comfortable house. A man is in his study. He pours a whiskey and walks back and forth, looking worried. The phone rings and he jerks. He stares at it for a long moment then moves to pick it up. The phone's display shows 'sHA33'.

"Hello." He says.

"Ben." A Woman says on the other line.

"Linda." He responds.

"Ben, I had to talk to you..." Linda starts.

"You can't keep calling here."

"I know. I know, just...just tell me you thought about it please." She says.

"There's nothing to think about."

"Don't say that." Says Linda.

"I can't. You know I can't. My wife..." Ben starts.

"I'm begging you, come to me. Come to me, Ben."

"No." He hangs up. The phone immediately starts ringing again. He picks it up. "Linda. Please. Please leave me alone."

"I'm not going to stop. I miss you, Ben. We could be happy. We could be happy together." Linda says.

"This is...this is crazy."

"I love you! Forever. Don't you love me?" She says.

"You know I do. More than anything. I'm sorry." Ben says.

"Ben, wait..." Ben hangs up. The phone rings again.

He picks up the receiver and slams it back down a number of times, then throws the whole phone across the room, the cord ripping out of the wall. Ben rubs his face and stares at nothing.

After a few moments the phone starts ringing again. Ben looks shattered. He slowly opens the desk draw and takes out a handgun. He stares at it for a few seconds then takes a deep breath.

"Okay, Linda. You win." He stares at the ceiling, then lifts the gun and places the barrel against his throat, pointing upwards. He cocks it. "I'm coming."

Close up of the phone screen spinning through letter and numbers and again landing on SHA33. A gunshot is heard, then the thud of something hitting the ground.

      Sam and Elena walk across a city square toward Dean sitting on a bench

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Sam and Elena walk across a city square toward Dean sitting on a bench. "Yep. I got it. Okay, bye." Dean hangs up then in one motion picks up and throws an unopened can of soda to Sam, stands up and shoves the last of the food he is eating into his mouth. "So?" Dean chews.

"So, the professor doesn't know crap." Sam says.

"Shocking. Pack your panties, Sammy, we're hitting the road." Dean says.

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