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      The Impala pulls into the motel lot and stops just inside the entrance. "All right Bobby, thanks. We owe ya, another one." Dean hangs up once again and turns to Sam and Elena. "All right Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick lives in Queens. So it'll take me about two hours to get there."

      "So what are we doing here?" Sam asks.

      "You my brother are staying here 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed." Dean says. "Elena, I need a little backup." Dean drives the Impala into the main lot, passing Kubrick's RV on the way.

      Later, Dean unlocks the door and leads Sam inside, turning on a light as he goes. "What am I even supposed to do, Dean?" Sam asks.

      "Nothing, nothing. Come here. I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here, and don't move, OK?" Dean asks. "Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose."

      Sam sits in a chair and watched Dean leave, locking the door behind him. Sam wrinkles his nose a few times before risking a scratch.


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      Bela's apartment is richly decorated and contains varied valuable artifacts. Bela is on the phone. She walks down stairs and into the kitchen. She talks with an affected British accent.

      "Because you shook on one point five. Well maybe I should just take it somewhere else?" She asks. Bela pets a Seal Point Siamese cat that is sitting on the counter. "Don't threaten me, Luke. Despite your reputation you don't scare me. Well I'm glad you see it that way. I'll see you at the airstrip in an hour." Bela ends the call.

      Bela's security monitors register Dean approaching. Bela picks up the rabbit's foot with kitchen tongs and the Siamese cat hisses. Bela moves to look over at the security monitors, just missing Dean's arrival.

      Bela puts the rabbit's foot down, opens the wine cooler and extracts a gun from it before moving through the living room toward the front door. The door is ajar.

      As she approaches, she notices a beeping noise. The alarm system panel is flashing error. A bright yellow Post-It stuck to the panel reads TURN AROUND. Dean appears behind Bela, his gun drawn. Bela turns and draws her gun.

      "You left without your tip." Dean says and Bela smirks. Dean raises his eyebrows.

      Back in the motel, Sam rocks back and forth on the chair, bored stiff. Suddenly, the AC unit in the wall in front of Sam starts making a clunking, grinding sound. Smoke starts to pour out.

      "Oh come on, I- I didn't- I wasn't..."
He sighs. Sam gets up and cautiously approaches the unit. The unit catches on fire.

      Sam grabs the comforter off one of the beds and attempts to put out the fire with it. When Sam thinks he's got it, he gets up, only to find his jacket sleeve is now on fire. Sam panics and uses the curtain to put it out.

      The curtain rips and falls away, revealing Kubrick and Creedy staring in through the window. Sam falls back, knocking himself out on the floor. Kubrick smiles and looks to the sky in thanks.

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      Dean and Bela are engaged in a stand-off. "You're gonna give it back." He says.

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