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      Bobby is shooting at a target with the restored Colt, making adjustments after he fires. Suddenly, Ruby appears in from of the target. "Cute piece." She says.

      "Who are you?" Bobby asks.

      "It won't stop a demon, if that's what you think." Ruby says.

      "How the hell would you know?"

      "Oh, I don't know." She closes her eyes and when she opens them they are black, revealing she is a demon. "Call it an educated guess."

     "Well, ain't I lucky,then? Found a subject for a test fire." Bobby says.

      "Luck has nothing to do with it. But, hey, by all means. Take your best shot." Bobby hesitates. "Are you gonna stand there like a pantywaist, or are you gonna shoot..." Bobby shoots her in the chest. "Oww, that smarts a little."

      "What do you want?" Bobby asks.

      "Peace on earth, a new shirt. Now...do you want me to help you out with that gun or not?"

      Sam and Elena are in a corridor outside Trotter's office. Sam's phone rings, startling him. "Dean." Sam says.


      "Yeah. Hey. I can't talk right now." Sam says.

      "You okay?" Dean asks.

      "Yeah, I'm fine. Just meet me at the bar in 20 minutes, okay?" Sam hangs up.


[ ☾]

      "I got to tell you-every woman in this place-they want to eat you up." A woman tells Dean.

      "Anybody could have tackled that guy...and wrestled the gun away...prevented mass murder." Dean says.

      "Here's what I'm gonna do. Normally, I charge $400 a night." She whispers in Dean's ear. "Why don't we call it an even deuce and get the hell out of here?"

      "What do I look like?" Dean asks

      "What do I look like?" She repeats and as she walks away. "Cheapskate."

      "Did I just see you strike out with a prostitute? How's that work?" Casey asks.

      "I just told her I had a thing for the bartender. It was pretty easy." Dean says.

      "Who says the bartender's available?"

      "That's a good question. You got something going with some guy about yea tall, wears a sweat suit?" Dean asks.

      "Who?" Casey asks.

      "No. My mistake. What do you say you and me grab a drink after your shift?"

      "I say why wait...when we can go right now?" Dean and Casey leave together.

[ ☾]

      Elena is rifling through the desk and Sam watches out for anyone. Trotter and his bodyguard enter. Sam tackles the bodyguard but Trotter holds a gun to Sam. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

      "I think maybe you know." Sam says.

      "Yeah. Well, I think I'm calling the cops." Trotter says.

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