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       "What the hell was that? Reidy? Reidy?!" Henriksen calls.

      Outside, The chopper is on fire. Reidy coughs and sits up. Henriksen's voice is heard from the walkie talkie. "What the hell was that? Come in? Reidy? Reidy?"

      Reidy walks toward the burned chopper. He turns to find one of the dead officers on his feet and looking at him with black eyes. The possessed officer crushes his flesh.

      Melvin fills his rifle with bullets while Nancy tries to make a call

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      Melvin fills his rifle with bullets while Nancy tries to make a call. "Hello?" She keeps trying to get a line.

      "My men? Agent Henriksen—" Melvin starts, but Henriksen doesn't answer.

      "What the hell's happening out there?" Phil asks.

      "I can't get a line. All the phones are out." Nancy says.

      "Henriksen! Four of my men!" Melvin yells.

      "The internet, my cell.... It's all dead. How can it all be dead?" Nancy asks and Melvin tosses the rifle to Phil. Suddenly the lights go out.

      Sam and Dean stand up. "That can't be good." Dean says.

      "Oh my God." Says Nancy.

      "No, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. We're gonna go, we're gonna go... right now." Melvin loads his gun.

      Henriksen turns around. "Nobody's going anywhere. Everybody, calm down." He says.

      "Your partner is out there! My men are out there!" Melvin yells.

      "I know. We go out there, we're asking to die too. Don't you get it?" Henriksen asks.

      "Get what?"

      "They're out there and they're coming in here. This is a siege. So this might be a good time for you to lock the doors and the windows." Henriksen says as Nancy looks up, panicking. "take a breath, and maybe deal with this like trained professionals with some sense in their heads."

      Phil and Melvin look at each other and calm down. Melvin finally nods and leaves. Henriksen walks to Nancy. "You okay?" She nods but then shakes her head. "I wouldn't think so. Nancy, right? I'm gonna get you through this. You got my word. You got that?" Nancy smiles and nods.

      Sam helps Dean with his wound, while Dean grunts. "All right, don't be such a wuss." Sam says.

      "What's the plan? Kill everyone in the station, bust you three out?" Henriksen asks.

      "What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asks.

      "I'm talking about your psycho friends. I'm talking about the blood bath."

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