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Rachel POV

After ATL member or I must say Chaos assassins came me and Nico went to find Percy.

Nico found him and then he took me to him and then went back to camp.

He was sitting in a bar with caps and glasses so that people don't recognize him.

I went to him and sat beside his chair.

He was looking at the ice in his glass and said " What do you want?"

" Hello to you too." I said.

He chuckled a little and then turned to me and said " hello Miss Dare. "

" Percy..."

" Its Perseus "

" Alright Perseus why are you here? "

" Ahhh..,..... I guess I am drinking."

" I can see that but you never drink alcohol why today?"

" Well you see, I got betrayed twice in a life time and now that I am going to finish my life, I wanted to taste this thing first " he said and again took a shot.

" Hit me again " he said to the bar tender.

" Percy.. "

" Its Perseus "

" Perseus stop this and listen to me . you are not going to do anything stupid now."

" Stupid? I was always a stupid that I believed that I can actually trust someone , I was stupid that I never tasted this beautiful medicine , alcohol. Hit me again" He said .

" Alright let's do one thing. You drink as much as you want then we will go home "

" I don't have a home babes, I have only one place to go now. Hell" He said and took his shot. " Hit me again"

" Percy... "

" Its Perseus "

" Perseus listen, you are very important, for everyone in this world at present now, think of your mom, sister, your friends. "

" Ahh..,.... Thinking of mother...... Okay I thought and I will tell you she doesn't want me because I can be reason for destruction of her life..... And her daughter so I think sister is also out of equation...... And which friend are you talking about? One who tried to kill me or one who betrayed me just now!!!"

I was speechless.

He doesn't have a reason to live for and I know first time in his life he is fully planned and he is going to do it and no one can stop him.

" Hit me again!!! " He said.

" Bye Percy. Hope your next life be simple and happy unlike this one."

" Its Perseus and before going I will give you à free advice never trust anyone. Bye Rachel. Take care." He said.

I stood from the chair and left.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks.

I knew this is the last time I will ever see him again.

So this is the end of Perseus Achilles Jackson.

The Percy Jackson who was a nightmare of all the monsters.

The Percy Jackson who can win a war against all odds.

The Percy Jackson who can do the impossible.

The Percy Jackson who will , was and is the first enemy of all the powerful creatures of the world and no one was is and will be able to kill him because he is going to end his world on his own.

Percy Jackson committed suicide.

PERCY JACKSON,MY PAST[COMPLETE](NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now