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Everything was blur.
We can only see sparks flying,arrows and knives flying.
Tartarus is way too powerful than NYX being elder brother.
But major problem for us was Bianca,Luke,Beck,Selina and Ethan. They all were extreme pain and Andy was crying Her clothes were wet with her tears. Seeing Luke dieing second time was painful for us too. Their body was flickering now and then. As if they were a hologram.

We heard a loud groan.

We turned to see Typhoon lying on the floor and Cyclops were trying to bind him in ropes.

Gods flashed beside us.
Assassins followed them.

" What's happening Annabeth? " My mom asked.

" Percy is fighting Tartarus " I said.

" Lu....Luke"Hermes stuttered.

All God's turned towards them.

" Hey" pain was dripping in each word of Luke.

Without a word Aphrodite jumped on Selina to give her a hug.

" Hey mom. I am already dieing so if you don't want to fast this process please release me." Selina said .

Hephaestus just hugged his son.
Hades was shocked to see Bianca.
Nemesis hugged and cried on Ethan's shoulder.

And then they flickered again.

" What...what was that?" Hades asked.

" We don't know but it's paining like hell." Ethan said.

" Apollo " Aphrodite shouted.

Apollo kneeled down to Selina and blinked his eyes at her.

" You better be careful Apollo. She is my girlfriend " Beckendrof said.

We heard a loud thud and saw Tartarus lying on the land.

Percy slowly walked up to him" I can only send you to sleep . Since you cannot die. But remember if you ever again tried to heart my sister or my family. Then you will have no place to hide." He said and stabbed his sword on Tartarus hands.

Tartarus cried out in pain.

" oh Perseus! This is not over I will hurt your sister in worst way ." Tartarus said and closed his eyes.

First Nothing happened then again Luke and other clutched their heads in pain and kneeled in pain.

" Apollo what's happening? " My mom asked.

" Their life force is flickering. " He said.

" BASTARD!!! SON OF A......" Percy said and stabbed his sword in Tartarus chest.

Tartarus cried out loud in pain and so did Luke and others.

That's what we heard and we were not able to see anything. Only dust.

When sight got clear. Tartarus was gone and so were Beck, Selina,Luke, Bianca and Ethan.

" Noo......" Andy shouted.

Percy walked up to her and hugged her tight.

" It's alright Andy." Percy said and flashed away with Andy.

We all saw the blood and ichor all over the hill.

One more war over.
One more success under our belt.
One more day of loosing our loved ones over.
One more day of death over.

Many things got over today that was haunting us from past some months.


I turned on the radio like any other day.
But no music was played rather an interview was going on.

Interviewer" .....your sister?"
A familiar voice said" Yes her name is Andromeda, she was very much connected to my band mates...ever since they died...she gave her soul to yeah she will be helping me in making new music in memory of our old band mates."
" So this is it from today. Your favorite Perseus is back and he is going to sing for his old band mates again. Starring her sister Andromeda in next music album." Interviewer said.

" Hell I never knew you are this big fan of my brother." A voice said from the shadows of my bunker.
I jumped out of my bed.
Came out of shadows, Andromeda.

I hugged her tightly. " I missed you."
" Me too" She said.
" Why are you here?" I asked.
" Oh! It's Percy, he wants to drop some demigods that we kept safe in our base during war. Well they are well trained. " She said.
" He is here?" I asked.
" Yes he is" Andy said and we both went out.
Andy ran to others and I looked for Percy.

I found him talking to a young demigod.
I walked up to him.
He looked at me.
" Can we have a walk?" I asked.

" Yeah" He said and smiled at the young demigod and we walked up to the beach silently.

" So many memories " Percy said.

" Bad and good both." I said.

" Yeah...." He said and there was a long awkward silence .

" Percy can we get back together? " I asked.

He didn't say anything initially but then he looked back at me and said" I would love to..... But I don't think that will be good."

" It will----" I said and he interrupted

" I love you Wise girl but I cannot trust you. Sorry. But we will try if everything wet well." He said and pecked me on my lips and vanished in thin air.

Now imagine on your own what you want!!!!!! Percy and Annabeth together or not. I was confused what to do. So here it is. Last chapter of this book. Finally it's over.

But please do read next chapter!! Its very very important for me!!

PERCY JACKSON,MY PAST[COMPLETE](NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now