Party with year 12s

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Party with year 12s

- just letting you know this isn't set up to date right now it's set earlyer on in the year

Ava's POV

I was packing my bag for my over night stay at Mitch, me, Bethany and Mitch. Mum doesn't know that we go to party's she just thinks I stay round Mitch's. I walk out my room with my bag on my shouder and phone in my hands and walk through to the bar "I'm off to Mitch's now, I'll see you tomorrow" I say to mum giving her a hug and walking out. I walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus, I put my headphones in and fold my arm it was cold. And my jumper was in my bag. Aaron was walking past the bus stop and smiled before he stops and I take my headphones out "Ava you look cold, where's your coat" he asked me and I role my eyes, he's so protective "didn't bring one, and my jumper is in my bag" I tell him "put your jumper on, we don't want you catching a cold do we" he asks and I laugh "what are you now my Dad" he laughs and I smile, that's what I love about having a big brother. I always have someone I can joke about with "no but your my Baby sister, I don't want you in trouble or poorly" he says to me and all I could think off was how I've lied to everyone about just going to Mitch's or just going to Bethany's, if they knew I go partying evrey Saturday night, none can protect me now, I'm 15 and I go partying with 18/19 year olds and with my boyfriend. "Fine don't wear your jumper" he says and I smile "I win" I laugh and be roles his eyes at me. The bus soon comes and I give Aaron a hug goodbye and get on the bus paying for my ticket and taking a seat.

When the bus arrived at the stop which was nere Mitch's I get off the bus and go to his. I knock on the door and walk in as I'm practically family, I spend a lot of time their and they say whenever I go round just walk in. "afternoon Ava" Mitch's mum says to me and I smile "hi Chelsea is Mitch upstairs?" I ask her and she nods and says I can go up. I go up and too his room and go in and he smiles "hello princess" Mitch says and hugs me "hey babe" I say and kiss him.

•1 hour later•

It was 4:30 and me and we're now at Bethany's an getting ready for tonight party, when we were all ready it was 7pm and the party starts in half an hour so we all left me and Mitch were hand in hand and Bethany was walking beside us. After 20 minutes of walking we were at David's who is holding the party, he let us in and their were already loads of people. Me,Mitch and Bethany all got a drink and drank it before having fun.

•Hours Later•

It was now 10pm and me and mitch had just got back to his, his mum was at work and his dad was out. I couldn't stop giggling and Mitch kept smiling at me. We both went back to his room and started kissing, then that lead to cuddling and after half an hour we were both naked in his bed and I don't think I need to explain what happened then. I think we both finally fell asleep at around 2am.

•the next day•

The next morning I wake up with a massive headache and with Mitch's arms around me and we were of course both still naked. I couldn't believe what happened last night I'm not even 16 and I've lost my virginity, well atleast I wasn't 12 like some girls at the school. Soon Mitch wakes up an kisses me "morning princess Ava" he says to me kissing me again "morning prince Mitch" I say and kiss him back for some reason we were both in a really good mood. I both get up and dressed me into my black leggings and white crop top and I put my flower crown on and Mitch gets dressed into his blue jeans and his blue top. We sit on his bed watching tv before I have to leave at 12. I pick my bag up and Mitch takes me to the bus stop and when the bus comes I get on and get my ticket and take a seat all the way back to The village.

The bus pulls up to my stop I get off and head home. "Hi mum" I say as I walk into the woolpack "hey Ava, did you have a good time" mum asks me and I nod not really wanting to tell her what we actually got up to.


Hope you enjoyed this.
Sorry it's so bad

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