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Ava's POV

It's a week before Christmas and mums home today (I don't technically remember when she came out) I have been out of a cell in like three days but I'm due in court in February to find out wether I'm guilty of arson or not guilty.

I was sat on my bed and felt so stupid, why did I do all this, I got so angry at my  teacher and with the fight I got confused and didn't know what I was doing. I sound messed up don't I. I sound like I'm stupid and need help.

I must have been awake for a home maybe longer because the next thing I knew Aaron was in my room sitting infront of me "Ava please talk to me, ever since mum went into hospital maybe even since Elepheterias death you block people out or ignore is" Aaron says.

I look at him "you want to know why I've been blocking everyone out, why I don't eat, sleep or leave my room most nights?" I say I More of a question "do you want to know why I started the fire at school and attacked the girl" I say once again.

Aaron nods and I look at him "the truth is nothing feels right without Ella here, she was my daughter, I should have kept her safe, I should have protected her from harm from the very beginning but I didn't, instead I run infront of Andy's car" I say

"Why didn't you tell me, why didn't you talk to me. You used to talk to me all the time before dad kicked us out" Aaron says "Aaron I used to not have a worry or care in the world. I was young and free" I sag sighing softly.

Aaron pulls me into a huge and I smile "how about me and you go get some flowers for to put down at Ellas grave and then when we come home we can get mum some flowers and a box of chocolates" Aaron says to me and I nod Smileing.

"Okay then princess go get dressed and meet me down stairs." Aaron tells me and I get up from my bed and get dressed into my blue vest top and white shorts. I added a white jumper before putting on my white Lee coopers then I leave my room

 I added a white jumper before putting on my white Lee coopers then I leave my room

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When I left my room I met Aaron and we both left through the pub. On gone way too David's shop we bump into Vanessa pushing Johnny. I couldn't cope seeing others with children after I had lost my little girl, I walked off holding back tears of sadness and pain.

Me and Aaron enter David's and he chooses some beautiful flowers for Ellas grave. We pay for the flowers and then leave her shop and straight into the person I never wanted to see ever again. My father. He doe even deserve the right to be called dad

"Aaron, Avery-Emilie" dad says and I step behind Aaron slightly "what are you doing here" Aaron snaps senseing my fear. "Aaron can we just go please" I say In a hushed tone to my older brother. I didn't want to be around him. He was just being back memories.

"Hey princess what's happened you used to be a daddy's girl" he says me and Aaron look at each other and I look like I'm about to Burst. "Right you lost the right to call me princess when you threw me and Aaron out, I was only 5" I start

(I'm guessing because I can't be asked to work out the maths from when Aaron was kicked out)

"I was little, scared, thought none wanted me. Their were three days I went missing. Aaron and me got separated when we were coming to mum, as a 5 year old it was frightening I slept in an ally for those nights in. The cold" I shout "so don't call me princess and don't ever come nere me and Aaron again" I say standing my ground "your my kids" was all he said before I couldn't control my anger any longer.

I punched him and his nose started bleeding "good punch Ava" Aaron laughs as we both walk off "seeing him again has brought back the memories I never wanted to remember" I admit to my older brother "same av" he says putting his arm around me as we walked to the graveyard.

At the graveyard we go to Ella's grave and I look down, the flowers I put down yesterday were still their, so was the small toy. "Did you do all this" Aaron asks on surprise and I nod. "She's my little girl what else was I ment to do leave it, she was only a few hours old and ment everything to me"

After a hour of sitting at the graveyard me and Aaron head back "you don't have to tell mum about me being arrested and kicked out of school do you?" I ask quitely walking back to the pub

"Cain will probably tell her, if not you have to" Aaron tells me. I was pretty sure it would set her off again but I could be wrong. Back at the woolpack mr and Aaron entered to be confronted by uncle Cain "where have you two been" he asks us both

"We were at Ella's grave, sorry uncle Cain" I say and he lets us off taking me to one side "Avery about the change of arson the police said you have to be in court for 10 on Friday" he tells me and I nod

"we have to tell mum don't we" I ask and he nods "how about me and you go pick you mum up and we tell her then" he says and I nod slowly. I go tell Aaron that I would see him later and leave to go pick mum up with uncle Cain,

I get into uncle cains car and he does to before starting the engine and driving towards the hospital. "You stay with the car, I won't be long" uncle Cain says to me and I nod.i was eager to see mum again but not as eager to tell her about the arson.

Uncle Cain went to get mum and she looked a lot better "Avery has something to say before we go anywhere" uncle Cain tells mum and I bite my lip "I've been arrested for arson, I'm in court Friday to find out the end result" I say and mum looks angry well so I thought "oh Avery what did you do" she asks and o explain

The rest of the night and day goes fast and soon k was lieing in Bed tired and dozing off to sleep

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