The Dating Scan

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Ava's pov

It's been four days since I found out about being pregnant and today was my dating scan, it was only 8:30 so I had 3 Hours 30 Minuits until the scan, I was quite nurves but also really excited. I kept thinking about when I was pregnant with Ella I was really excited to meet her it was a shame I didn't have long with her. I sat on my bed with my phone in my hands, just sat their thinking about the day and how it will be.

From Ross 💖🙊

Today's the day, we get to see our little baby for the first time

To Ross 💖🙊

I know, shall I meet you behind the pub at 11:30?

From Ross 💖🙊

Sure, see you soon babe

I smile at the text before getting out off bed and walking over to my wardrobe looking through my clothes before I choose my outfit. After I had chosen my outfit I walk to the bathroom and get in the shower and wash my hair with my favourite shampoo and conditioner. After washing my hair I wash my body with my blueberry body wash letting it run down my body.

After my shower I get out and wrap my blue Towel around me and run back to my room and sit on my bed with my towel around me drying myself before I stand up and go over to my make-up table grabbing my hair brush and brushing my hair.

After brushing my hair I get dressed into my underwear before putting on my blue mid-calf jeans, my blue 'but first let me take a selfie' t-shirt, my blue beanie before slipping on a pair of blue socks and putting my blue and white Nike trainers on.

After brushing my hair I get dressed into my underwear before putting on my blue mid-calf jeans, my blue 'but first let me take a selfie' t-shirt, my blue beanie before slipping on a pair of blue socks and putting my blue and white Nike trainers on

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Once I was dressed I put my purse into my bag and putting my phone case on my phone before leaving my room. I walk down the stairs and over to the fridge in the kitchen I get out my low fat vanilla yogurt and put some in a bowl with some strawberries before sitting down and eating it.

After I ate my yoghurt I washed my bowl up and went out front to see people eating breakfast and talking and all that. I went and sat on a stool by the bar when Vic came out and gave me a look.

I shrug it off and wait for mum to stop what she was going so I could tell her I was going into town to meet some 'friends'. Soon mum came over to me "I'm going to be going into town in a bit . I'm going to be meeting a few friends"

I tell mum and she said okay. I check the time and saw it was getting late and it was almost 11:30. 'Wow' I thought to myself. The day was getting on quite fast. I say bye to mum before leaving the pub.

I walk round the back off the woolpack and see Ross pull up with his car so I get in we lean in and we snog alittle before I put my seatbelt on and Ross drives to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital Ross parks the car and we head to the mother baby unit. "Hi I have a dating scan at 12." I say to the receptionist "name" the receptionist said moodily "Avery-Emilie Dingle" I say and she nods signing me in and telling me to wait in the waiting room.

Me and Ross sit together in the waiting room his hand in mine and his thumb rubbing my hand softly "it will all be fine" Ross says to me making me smile "i don't think I could have gone through with this without you" I say to Ross and he smiles kissing my forehead and holding me close.

The hospital must have been running late because soon it was ten past twelve and I was still waiting to be called through and it was safe to say I was getting impatient, I started tapping my left hand against my left leg "calm down babe" Ross comforts me.

After another ten minutes woman comes out "Avery Dingle" she calls and me and Ross stand up "good afternoon, sorry for the wait. I'm Chloe and I'll be your midwife throughout your pregnancy" Chloe tells us "I'm Avery but I prefer Ava and this is Ross my boyfriend" I say to Chloe.

Chloe leads me and Ross into the room and tells me to fold my trousers down and also role my top up when sitting on the bed sort of thing... I sit on the bed and look at Ross beside me

"Right Avery I'm going to be putting some off this gel on your stomach and then I'll be using this transducer to find your baby for you" Chloe says and I nod as she shows me Evreything she was going to be using.

I look at the screen and see the scan. "We can tell by this scan that your 10 weeks and you are going to be having twins" Chloe tells me leaving me gobsmacked. "We're going to be having twins" Ross says smiling at me and I didn't know what to say

"We need to do some more tests today, we need to see if Evreything is going smoothly" Chloe explains to me before printing the scan off the twins out. I write a note in my phone planning how far along I am and that I'm having twins and Evreything else's

The tests were being done and it came to the blood test and I freeze, I hate needles they made me feel sick but I sat through it. After the test had been done I got the results back and Evreything was fine so me and Ross were allowed to go home. "10 weeks, I'm going to start to show soon, I am going to leave in a few days" I say to Ross as we go back to his car after booking my next scan.

Me and Ross both agreed that we would leave in two days which gives us both time to pack and it will give him time to sort Moses out. This was the start of the rest off our lives

I was sat in Ross car on the way back to the village "I still can't believe we're going to have twins" I smile to Ross "I know, let's hope we have one off each" Ross says and i smile "yeah if theirs a girl we could call her Georgia-Rose and if theirs a boy we could call him Riley-James" I suggest and Ross smiles "Georgia is such a cute name" he says "I know, we will just have to wait and see what we have" I smile


Well who enjoyed this chapter.....
I was thinking off ending this story after one more chapter and then bringing out a sequel 😱😱

What do you all think about that idea?


Jess xx

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