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Before I start I would like to sag thank you for 1.99k reads on this story I never thought I would get this many reads it means a lot to me and I am truly grateful and hope you are enjoying this story.

Sorry for any upsetting things in this. Chapter

And without any more chatting lets go with the chapter.

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And enjoy


Jess xx

Ava's PoV

I had smoked around 12 fags in 3days and the past day ive been seeing things, things that can't be their but they are, I keep seeing ella, seeing Amber well what I thought she would look like, she was the twin that I never got to meet.

I wasn't with it, I couldn't stop seeing things. Mum and Gordon have broken up once again and she's has said its best for her and Aaron if Aaron moves out but then she has said she doesn't want him to move out so I don't know what's going on.

"Please stop crying" I say to Ella as I walk downstairs "Ava, who are you talking to" Diane asks me "Ella, she won't stop crying" I say and Diane comes over to me. "Ava she's not here, she died, don't you remember" Diane asks me "she is here" I say

Diane walks off looking worried and she heads out into the bad. I sit on the sofa and see Ella again shes still crying and she won't stop, then I see Amber. She's saying it should be be who died at birth instead of her. What was wrong with me.

Diane's POV

Avery started to worry me when she said she was talking to her head daughter so I thought I better tell Chas. I walked into the bar where chas was cleaning and sorting out ready for opening time. "Chas could I talk to you please" I called her.

Chas comes over to me and looks conserved "what's up?" She asks me and I think for a moment before speaking "I think something wrong with Avery, she said she can see Ella and that Ella won't stop crying, it looks like she's distressed" I tell Chas and she sighs

"I'll go to talk to her, thank you for telling me Diane" Chas says to me before walking into the back, presumably to talk to Avery about talking to Ella when she's not here. It worries me because I know it's not normal to talk to people who aren't their.

Ava's POV

I was sat on the sofa talking to Ella, or myself, I don't even know any know any more but I was sat talking when mum came in. "Ava?" Mum asks me confused before coming and sitting by me. I look down so she couldn't smell the drugs.

"Diane told me that you were talking to Ella" mum says and I stay quiet just nodding slowly "Ellas dead princess. She's not here" mum tells me "no she's here and so is Amber" I say and mum looks at me with a strange look "Ava" mum says looking concerned.

"Amber died when I gave birth to you both" mum says sadly and then looks at me "and Ella she died a few hours after she was born" mum tells me slowly "no their both here, Amber she says she's watching over you, me and Aaron" i tell mum slowly

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