Diagnosed with Bipolar

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Ava's PoV

I've been snapping at almost everyone lately and it's honestly been for no reason. I've not really been myself since Liv started spending a lot more time here. I was in my room with my blasting my music out through my speakers when Liv came into my room

"Do you mind!" I snap. Yeah she's our half sister but I'm not to keen on her, I think she's up to something. "I've just came to ask you to turn your music down" Liv says with a sickening sweet smile. All I could think about was how annoying she is.

"How about you go back to your mum and leave me and Aaron alone" I snap getting off my bed and pushing Liv out off my room making her tumble backwards and fall against the wall. I shut my door and lean against it hearing her walk off.

I just couldn't cope anymore, I had the memories from when me and Aaron were younger and the memories of starting the fire at the school and the memories of looseing my little girl. I just lost it when she came into my room. I was going to see my best mate Jacob.

Me and Jacob have always been friends and he knows how to cheer me up, just like belle does. Him and belle both have said they think I'm different in myself but I don't know what they mean by that.

My monkey 😂🔥

Hey monkey can I come round?

I text Jacob and sit on my bed waiting for a reply. I hope he would say yes because why wouldn't he say yes I'm just amazing. Only kidding I just needed to talk to my best friend.

From Monkey 😂🔥

Corse you can Titch why wouldn't I let you come round

I smile grabbing my bag and leaving my room heading down the stairs and out the back of the pub before heading to David's shop. I walk inside and Jacob smiles when he sees me. "So what's up Titch" Jacob asks and I sigh. "I think you and belle are right"

"So are you going to go to the doctors and get yourself checked out or you just going to keep it to yourself?" He asks me and I shrug "I don't know, I'm just so confused things are getting so hard and I don't like it" I cry.

"Avery you know you'll have me, your mum, Aaron and all your friends and family" Jacob says says pulling me into a hug. "I'll have to talk to my mum and see what she thinks I should do" I smile hugging my best friend "thank you Monkey, Thank you for Evreything"

I smile when me and Jacob pull apart. "Any Time Titch" Jacob said comforting me. "I'll get going, I'll let you know how Evreything goes" I say smiling before walking back home. As I was walking back home I walked into my stupid half sister Liv. The last person I wanted to see.

"Seriously Olivia watch where you're going, or even better go back to your mother and leave me and Aaron alone, we don't need you in our life" I shout before lashing out. I walk through the doors to the pub and over to the bar "mum we need to talk"

"What about?" Mum asks me and I bite my lip "Jacob thinks I need to see a doctor about how I have been lately and I agree with him so I was wondering if you would come with me to the doctors?" I ask mum nurvesly.

Mum looks at me worried slightly thinking their was something seriously wrong with me. "Okay when do you want to go? I finish in a bit we could go then?" Mum asks me and I nod with a small shrug. I sat on a stool up until mum finished her shift.

Soon mum was finished the shift and we went to leave the woolpack only to be stopped by Aaron "it's Liv she's in a pretty bad way, it looks like someone's attacked her" he says out of breath. I role my eyes. "We've not got time" I thought to myself.

Mum follows Aaron to where I had left Liv and I follow behind them. "Oh Liv what happened" I ask as if I didn't know "you did this" she growls and I take a step back, "wait me, how can you blame me" I ask with a confused and innocent smile.

"You beat me up and told me to go away, back to my mum, you said that Aaron doesnt want me Round" Liv says and role my eyes as Aaron and mum turn to face me "did you" they ask me and I shake my head "no I did not"

I fold my arms. "How could you not believe me!" I shout as tears well up in my eyes "your taking her side over your own daughter" I say looking at mum "and your own sister," I shout folding my arms "Liv is our sister too" Aaron says and I sigh.

"You know what take her side, I don't care she's only been in your life for five minutes and your already taking her side over you sister who's been through everything you have, the one who's been in your life since she was born" I cry folding my arms

I couldn't wait for an answer I run off crying, I couldn't believe they both were taking her side but they didn't believe me. None ever does since I accidentally started the fire at the school.

Livs PoV

My plan was in action. I know Avery-Emilie doesn't like me but she's my half sister but I don't care. She pushed me against the wall this morning and said to go away so she doesn't get away with it that easily. I want her to be hated.

I was beaten up by some stranger but I'm going to make out it was by Avery that way she will get into a lot off trouble but then she will learn not to mess with me. I was in a lot off pain and Aaron and Chas both said they should take me to the hospital.

Ava's PoV

It had been a good few hours now by the time I had got myself checked at the doctors. I went their after I ran off crying. I have been referred to a psychiatric (counsellor) but that's in a weeks time. Wen I finished I  headed home.

I walked inside where I was greated by mum and Aaron. "Out back now!" Mum says angrily at me and Aaron looks disappointed in me. I walk out back and sit on the sofa. "I think we need an explanation" mum says sternly "I didnt do anything to Liv! I went to see Jacob and then I came straight home!"

Aaron and mum looked as if they didn't believe me and it made me upset. How could my own family turn against me. I just wanted to give up once again but they would try and stop me

Hi guy I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know Liv isn't like that much but I want to portray her differently.
If you have anything you would like to read in the story then comment them
And I'll read all the comments

Thanks for reading


Jess cx

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