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Thank you honey_mist_auburn for this idea 💖 go check out her story's their amazing 💜
@roadtriproadiex this is my actual fan account on Twitter so go follow me

Jess xx

Ava's PoV

I have had this tag for a week already and it's now 8:30am. I was going to meet a man I town, he was someone I knows older brother.

He sold drugs, I was going to buy some drugs, but mum, Aaron and none else needs to know. I stood in front of my wardrobe, unsure what to wear. I must have been their for a good 10 minutes decided what to wear, I'm never like this.

I get dressed into  my white top with my light pink skirt tucking my top into my skirt before adding a pair of socks covering my tag and putting my brown small healed shoes. I put my cardigan on and smile looking In the mirror

I was dressed in half an hour and then was ready to leave

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I was dressed in half an hour and then was ready to leave. I grabbed my bag with my money in and left my room, I left out the back so none saw me and headed to town. When I was I town I headed to the back of the bus station where I was meeting the man.

"You late" he says as I arrived "sorry the bus got stuck in traffic" I answered which wasn't a lie because it did get stuck in traffic. "I've brought the money" I say in a hushed tone "okay I'll hug you and put them in your pocket" he tells me

"Okay" I say "then I'll hug you again and you put the money in mine" he tells me and nod as I hug him and he hugs me then we pull away and smile before hugging again and I put the Monet in his pocket "thank you" I say

We go out separate ways and I go home well not straight away, before going home I go to one of the barns on Moira's farm and rolled myself a fag adding the weed and then smoked it. Everything began to feel better again. I felt better.

Every breath I take I felt even more relaxed. I finished the fag and stomped it out before heading home. I sprayed my citrus body spray and hoped none could smell the weed on my. I walked through the back and up to my room. For once everything felt better, but how long for.

I had forgotten everything that happened in my past, all the pain that I've had. I was on my bed with my music playing loud and dancing around my room. After a while the pain comes back again and the memories came flooding back to me once again.

I got my phone out and thought of making some Musical.ly videos (I've changed the person who plays Ava, but not changing my. Over photo) I opened the app and made a video. I made a few videos and then wanted to forget Evreything once again.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs and made myself a tea and got myself a packet of ready salted crisps and then went back to my room. I was bored because I couldn't really do much because of the tag, it's been a week of nightmares because I've been late home three times.

I put my stereo on and played a random cd which was already in the CD player which happened to be one directions new cd, I turned the cd up loud to block out the world. I wanted to forget evreything again, but it still played at the back of my head.

I decided I had to go for a walk so I grab my phone and the weed aswell as the other things I would need and put them in my pocket. I shut my bedroom door walking down the stairs and through the pub, Outside.

Outside I start rolling myself a fag adding the weed before lighting it and walking. As I was walking I quickly hide when I saw uncle Cain walking towards me, but I was to late he had spotted me. I immediately put the fag out hope not to be noticed.

Uncle Cain walks over whether I was, I had to try and stop myself from giggling and being all happy from the influence of the drugs. "Avery-Emilie have you smoked something" he asks me. I guess he could smell the weed on me. "No, never" I lie

"Right Avery-Emilie Leigh Livesy your coming back to the farm with me, then your going to tell me why you have smoked weed, don't say you haven't because I can smell it on you" uncle Cain says angrily, "don't call me Livesy! If I have to have his surname then I don't have a last name"

Uncle Cain takes me back to his and Moira's and I sat at the table while he sits opposite me "what's got in to you?" He asks me looking annoyed even though he's not my dad. "Please don't tell mum or Aaron" I beg him

"I won't tell them, just don't do it again" he tells me. "I'm going to be late, I can't be late again" I say biting my lip "alright I'll drive you home" uncle Cain says as we leave and go and get into the car

Back at home I had just got in before 6pm "Avery you almost was late again, three more times then you will have to go back inside" mum says and I sigh. "I don't care anywhere is better than here when he's here" I say gesturing to Gordon. "Avery I can't be asked with your attitude! Go to your room"

I storm through the pub and up to my room. In my room I sit down sighing. But for once I didn't have anything playing in my mind. I felt relaxed. I was hungry so I went to the kitchen and got some snacks.

After getting snacks I go back to my room with them and put my music on shutting my door behind me. I listened to music and ate until their was Knock at my door "who is it" I call "it's Aaron" Aaron calls and I tell him to come in.

"Ava you weren't yourself today. What's up? Please tell me why?" Aaron says and I sigh "really Aaron, your asking me this" I say folding my arms and he sighs at me. "Ava" Aaron says with attitude and I put my head in my hands "you know what's wrong" I say to him.

Aaron leaves my room and I roll my self another fag adding some weed before opening my window and lighting it and smokeing it. It soon down to the stub so I flick it out the window and got changed into my emoji onesie before sitting on my bed.

I go on YouTube and type 'RoadTripTv' and re-watch their first video. I'm such a Roadie and Andys girl but I still love them all equally they are just perfect to me. I was nibbleing on a cake while watching videos and having a good laugh.

It was soon 8:30 and I went into Twitter RoadTrip were doing a follow and DM spree. I was on Twitter my Twitter account @RoadTripRoadiex I creat a new tweet and then post it. I haven't been noticed by them before but hopefully today was my lucky day.

Around ten minutes after posting the tweet it's retweeted by RoadTrip and they follow me and they reply to me. After that I DM them and they answer. I couldn't believe it. My idols had answered me, followed and tweeted me all in one day. This day couldn't get any better in my opinion.

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