None Can know

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None can know

•Skipping a month•

Ava's POV

It's been a month since the last party me, Mitch and Bethany went to. And since the night me and Mitch slept together and over the last week I've been feeling really sick but none has noticed but today I've asked mum if I can stay off school and she said its okay. Today is Friday so I have the whole weekend to recover. I get out of bed and into my Running outfit which is only a purple Sports Bra with shorts. I put my phone holder arm band on my arm and put my phone in with my headphones plugged in and then put my hair into a high ponytail before leaving my room, going downstairs and going for a run, on the way back I popped into David's and brought a pregnancy test, and made out it was for my friend. When I had paid I ran home and to my room.

•2 hours later•

I have been in my room doing my geography and childcare assignments and it was now 11 so I stopped for a brake and a drink. I left my room with my laptop still on my bed with my phone on my bedside table and the pregnancy test was next to my laptop. I got myself a orange squash and drank it before I went back to my room and got the test and went to the bathroom. I read the instructions then take the test before heading back to my room. I sit cross legged on my bed holding the pregnancy test. I had to wait 5 minutes to see the results. I couldn't think of any other reason to why I would be feeling like this I don't have a fever or anything so I must be pregnant. Soon five minutes was up and I hold the test in my trembling hands and look down at it.


The test Read positive. Now what, do I tell Mitch, do I tell mum, do I tell anyone, I didn't know what to do. I just staired at the test before throwing it in my bin. I decided none can know about this, not even Mitch. I tryed to forget what happened and what happening but I couldn't focus. I decided to turn my laptop off and put it on my desk and then once again got changed into my running outfit and put my headphones in before going downstairs and headding outside for a jog. On my run I couldn't stop thinking about the baby, about me being pregnant. I didn't know what to do. I kept rubbing untill I cleared my head, stopping for a few minutes and then running again. I started to head home after 1 hour 30 minutes. Wow!. That was the longest run I've ever had but it worked,, I may still not be thinking straight bit atleast it gave me time to think. I knew what i was going to do now.

I'm going to go through with the pregnancy and then when I give birth in going on leave the baby outside an orphanage or the hospital, and gat way none will know I was pregnant well hopefully they won't be able to tell, if they notice I start to get big then I will have to come up with a lie.

Back at the Woolpack it was starting to get busy for the afternoon, well for lunch really people coming for a late lunch "you alright Ava?" Mum asks as I walk inside "I'm fine mum, do you need any help" I ask with a smile "go and put a top on first" mum says and i run to my room and throw my pink top with white splotches on and a pair of jogging bottoms over my sport shorts and then go back and help mum. I couldn't make the drinks because I'm not old enough to but I can collect glasses and take orders. Sometimes mum lets me make drinks but only if she is really desperate for help and like right now she's on her own. I started collecting glasses and taking orders and mum makes the drinks. Uncle Cain walks in and I smile "your usual uncle Cain" I ask and he laughs slightly "you know me so well Avie" I fold my arms "it's Ava uncle Cain. I'm not 5 no more" I say with a giggle and he smiles and hands over the money while mum does his drink. I sort his change our and then hand it to him and mum passes his drink. "Thanks Avie, thanks sis" uncle Cain says and I role my eyes "Ava could you watch the bar so I can go change the barrels" mum asks me and I nod "corse mum" I say smiling.

Mum goes and changes the barrels and I continue serving. Soon mum comes back and thanks me and I smile. "I'm going so I go get my art corsework and sit over their and do it" I point to my usual spot "I'll keep it for you Avie" uncle Cain was and I once again role my eyes. I go and get my corsework folder and come back downstairs with it and sits at the table getting it out and starting doing  the work.

Ava Livesy An Emmerdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now