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Ava's POV

Today I was due in court, this was going to judge if I'm going to be locked up, but I knew if I was locked up for arson I would be in the same prison as Charity. Well that's what my solicitor has told me.

I was sat on my bed scared of the outcomes of today. I knew I had to get dressed so I grabbed my black dress from above my door and my brown heals grabbing my hand bag and getting that sorted before grabbing my purple towel and my pink hand towel.

After grabbing my towels I head to the bathroom. I lock the door and turn the shower on letting it heat up before I got in, once it had heated up I step in after removing my emoji Pjs and placing them in the dark black washing basket which was beside me.

In the shower I use my mint bubblegum body wash and wash my body, the smell of it what to die for theys why it's my favourite. Then I grabbed my citrus cented shampoo and squeeze it onto my hand before rubbing it gently into my hair.

After I finished in the shower I got out abd wrapped my small pink towel around my hair and my purple towel around myself getting dry before getting into my outfit. I looked down and saw my dress loosely around my tiny body, I guess not eating does this to you.

 I looked down and saw my dress loosely around my tiny body, I guess not eating does this to you

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((Outfit just not the scalf and sun glasses))

After getting dressed I went back to my room and sat by my window watching the sun rise on the horizon. I'm never normally up to watch it but it's gorgeous. I was feeling Abit relaxed until I rem what was happening today.

I decided to go downstairs and sit on the sofa with my head in my hands. I could feel a panic attack coming on, my breathing became Rapid and my palms became sweaty and I couldn't control my breathing. I was sat their trying to take deep breaths but I couldn't.

Aaron came into the living room and saw me, he rushed and grabbed my hands "Avery look at me, take deep breaths" my older brother tells me and I look at him fear in my eyes "breath in" Aaron days and i breath in "breath out" he then says and I do.

"Keep doing this okay, ill get you a glass of water" he says letting go of my hands, I was shaking mostly because I was scared "today will go fine, me,mum, Cain, Vic, Debbie, Mitch and belle were all going to be their for supporting you" Aaron says sitting beside me.

"I know, I know, I'm just scared, I wasn't thinking straight when I started the fire, mum had just been sectioned, school was getting tough and I missed Ella more than anything" I cryed into Aaron's side "we'll get through this, as a family" he says kissing my forehead.

Mum soon come down and uncle Cain walks In "Avery have you had any breakfast" mum asks me and i nod Lieing "Avery-Emilie are you lieing to me" mum then asked snd I nod, the truth was I didn't want to eat just like the last few months.

Mum sighs and sits on the coffee table in front of me "Ava please eat something, it's obvious you've not eaten in months your clothes are just hanging on you" mum says in a tone like she's about to cry "mum I can't, the thought of food makes me feel sick" I admit

"Had someone said something to you Avie" uncle Cain asks me and I shake my head "it's ever since Elepheteria died, it's like a part of me died with her" I explained and mum looks at me "I was like that when Amber was born"

I look at mum, she never talks about my twin "i had to Carry you and Amber for the full 9 months even after I found out Amber had died when j was 5 months" mum says snd I hug her "I'm so sorry mum" I mumble.

About a hour later we were all at court, mum, Aaron and Evreyone else were told to go sit upstairs and I was taken into the box. I sat their with my jet black Blazer over my slightly lighter black Dress. In my left pocket of my blazers I had my small glass angle.

I stood up when the judge walks in, just like everyone else does. I was shaking slightly it was mostly in fear but I guess it was also in worry. Evreyone says their things and so do i and then we have a break for the jury to decide what to do.

Around half an hour later we were all told to go back in court room and I felt my breathing get faster and I was finding it hard to breathe and once again I know I was having a panic attack. The second one today, great.

I was sat trying to calm myself down until I was told to stand up. This was it "do you find Miss Livesy guilty or not guilty of arson" the judge asked the jury "Guilty" the head jury says and I felt my who world crumbles to pieces.

"No!" I hear mum shout, I look up to the stands with tears in my eyes "the sentence is 2 months in prison, 1 months on good behaviour. When you get out your'll be put on an electronic tag" the judge says. I look up to the stands again.

A police man takes me to a room on the side for me to say bye to mum and evreyone. They all tried to tell me it would be alright but I couldn't believe them. Soon I was taken to the prison where I would be spending the next few monthss. I was sharing a cell


I hope you liked this chapter
Poor Avery do you think it's fair, her head was messed up with chas being sectioned and still not over the death of her daughter.
I have some questions for you all

1) do you think it's fair on Avery (Ava)
2) do you think Ava will be alright.
3) who do you think Ava is shareing a cell with
4) do you think Ava should be let out after a month on good behaviour or stay for the full 2 months
5) what's your over all options

Jess xx

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