Love? Yeah Right!

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Ava's pov

Mum and Aaron have been so annoyed at me since I got drunk but they have calmed down now. They finally believed I didn't attack Liv and we also found out that Liv was seeing dad so Aaron had ago at her and then she left.

Today I have been aloud out on my own and I was happy about that. I was getting bored of the four walls of my bed room. I was going to go for a walk just so I could clear my head as in two days it's the trial.

I got dressed into a white tank top, my gray jumper a pair of blue skinny jeans my gray and pink vans and I add my silver and pink watch before leaving the pub. I walk down the road in my own little world not realising my name was being called.

 I Turn around to see Ross "you dropped your purse" Ross says coming over to me and I smile softly "thanks" I smile as I look into his eyes before shaking my head from my sorta DayDream

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I Turn around to see Ross "you dropped your purse" Ross says coming over to me and I smile softly "thanks" I smile as I look into his eyes before shaking my head from my sorta DayDream. I turn away after saying bye and walk to the stables.

I get to the stables and go over to Nixies den. She didn't look too good and it worried me, I've had her for 11 years and I don't know what I would do if I lost her, I go inside and groom my horse and stroke her.

I smiled at my brown and white horse as she nudges my arm softly "shall we go for a ride?" I ask her and she nudges me. I go and get the saddle and my things before sorting her out and getting onto her "lets go" I say to my horse.

I ride nixie round the field with two things on my mind, the trial and one person

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I ride nixie round the field with two things on my mind, the trial and one person. He has brown eyes and brown hair and he's just perfect to me, but it's not possible for us to be together. He's to old for me. "Nixie you alright?" I ask my horse as I stop her in the field.

Nixie neighs quitely so I hop down from her back and stand beside her "please be alright Nix, nothing will be the same without you" I say kissing my horse. She neighs again and I smile at her "shall we head home?" I ask her.

Nixie neighs once more before I climb back into her and we head back to the stables. Once back at the stables I kiss my horse and say goodbye to her before walking back to the village once more. Walking back to the village I accidentally walked the one person on my mind.

Third Person

Avery walked into one person, the one person who's been on her mind for ages, the one problem was he was too old for her, "Avery" he says with a huge grin on his face "yes" Ava smiles "well I know it's not a good time" the person says

"And?" Ava asks him "well I've liked you for a while, but I know your mum or brother won't approve of us" he said "so I was wondering maybe if you want to we could go out?" He ask Ava. "Sure why not" Ava smiles before looking into his eyes.

Ava smiles at her new found love. "Can I tell you something" the mystery man says "go ahead" Ava says smiling "I love you" he says and Ava looks to his eyes "love? Yeah right" she says without thinking "I do and have for as long as I can remember" the mystery man tells Ava.

Avas PoV

I could believe what just happened, the one person who's been on my mind for ages well he's asked me out, of course I said yes I'm not stupid. I wasn't going to tell mum or Aaron, I know they won't approve.

We say or goodbye before I head home "Avery-Emilie where have you been?" Mum says as I enter the pub and I sigh. "I went to see Nixie, she doesn't look to good" I say dully "I don't think Nixie is well" I then say to mum.

Mum looks at me and pulls me into a hug "we'll get Paddy to take a look if you want?"  Mum asks and I nod. Mum nods as I walkout back and up to my room. I couldn't think of my life without Nixie, she's been with me forever.

After ages in my room I go back downstairs and head to the kitchen to see if marlon and Victoria needed any help as it was lunch time. "Marlon? Would you like any help" I ask standing in the door way to the kitchen "we could do with someone on washing up, or taking  he food out to Evreyone" Marlon tells me and I nod "I'll wash up if you like" I say and he nods. I get a text from someone but I leave my phone in my pocket and get onto washing up the dirty dishes.

Soon lunch was over and I left the kitchen and went back to my room. I had some online schooling to do. I was sat at my desk doing some maths work when I remembered I had a text I unlock my phone to see a text from my new lover

From Lush😂👌🏼

Fancy going out to dinner tonight, I've found the perfect place it's s restaurant in a hotels

I read and smile at the name I've got him saved under. It's so none finds out who he is you see. If anyone found out they would go mad because of the age difference.

To lush 😂👌🏼

Of corse 😉 what time should I be ready by

I answered and smiled widely waiting for a reply, he said be ready for 5:30 so I had 2 hours to get ready. I went over to my wardrobe and picked out a outfit before going and hopping into the shower.

In the shower get me two in one hair conditioner which smells if tropical fruit I squeeze a blob of conditioner shampoo onto my hand and rubbed it into my hair before washing it off and moving onto my body.

Once I was washed I get out the shower and I dry myself before going back to my room and getting dressed into my black dress witch stops mid-thigh. I sit at my make up table and curl my hair before spring my make up with a smokey eye and a pale red lipstick.

Once I was dressed I slipped on my red high-heals and do my nails, I put my black earrings in before I was done

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Once I was dressed I slipped on my red high-heals and do my nails, I put my black earrings in before I was done. It was 25 past 5 and I headed downstairs and out back where he was going to meet me.

To my surprise he was already out their with his car. He opens the door and I get in and then he soon gets in and starts the car and then off we go.

Well that's it for this chapter 💖
Who do you think Ava's mystery man is?
What do you think the pair will do or will Aaron find out who it is and stop them from seeing each other

Comment below WHO you think the man is


Jess xx

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