Sneaking about

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Well I'm doing this A/N at the start because I wanted to let you know that all things that have happened have happened earlyer so I can get on with the up to date storylines. So the Gordon story line was earlyer than April 👌🏼


Jess xx

Ava's pov

It had been a few months now since Aaron found about Ross and I, since then me and Ross have been sneaking about. Aaron thinks we've broken up but the truth is we're still going strong we've been together for about three months now and I can't be happier about the time we've spent together. Ross even took my mind of off Nixie, you she two weeks ago nixie passed away. I still miss her but their was nothing Rhona could have done or anyone if I'm honest with you.

Also in the last few months me and Aaron both changed out last names so I am officially Avery-Emilie Dingle and Aaron is officially Aaron Dingle, we no longer have that monsters surname which I'm happy about.

It was an early day in April and I was just sat on my bed in my '#confused' Cookie Monster pyjamas. I was feeling really sick this morning and I had to admit I felt just like I did when I was pregnant with Ella but I couldn't be pregnant could I.

Soon I had to dash to the bathroom to pee

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Soon I had to dash to the bathroom to pee. I had been needing to pee a lot more than usual in the last 8 weeks and I've been feeling really sick but they could be nothing to do with what I think. I had to take a test just to be sure that I wasn't.

I was going into town today just for some alone time so while I'm up their I'm going to get a few pregnancy tests so I can take them and let Ross know if I am or I am not. I soon get dressed into my outfit for the day which happened to be a pink top which says 'I ____ You' a pair of blue skinny jeans my denim jean jacket before putting on my pink socks and adding my black shoes, I grab my bag before leaving my room and going downstairs. I could smell eggs and it made me want to throw up so I quickly grab a drink.

After getting my drink I go through to the bar and tell mum I was going into town and she said be back by 4 so of course I said yes I would be back

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After getting my drink I go through to the bar and tell mum I was going into town and she said be back by 4 so of course I said yes I would be back. I leave the pub and go and wait for the bus.

After which felt like forever but only ended up a 15 minute wait the bus finally arrived and I get on paying the bus driver in the meantime before I go and sit down in one off the empty seats, the bus started moving and then stopped to let people on, this continued unti we got into town when i got off and headed to the chemist to buy a pregnancy test, well actually I get a few before going to the till and paying and then going to costa I go to the bathrooms and lock the door befor opening one off the tests.

I take the test and wait for around 5 to 7 minutes until I looked at the test. It had two lines which ment I was pregnant. I stood their in shock and worry with how Ross was going to take it. He's good with Moses so it shouldn't be bad.

I wrapped the test up in a lot off tissue and put it in my bad so I can show Ross if he doesn't believe me. I think I might go away for a few months so none figures out about me being pregnant, Ross can either come with or not

To Ross 💖🙊

We need to talk, it's important, meet me by the bus stop in about 20 minutes

From Ross 💖🙊

What about A. I'll see you soon babe.

I look at my phone after Ross replys and knew their was no going back now, Ross will know that I'm pregnant and it will determine our relationship. I pop into Starbucks and order myself one of their hot chocolates before I go and catch the bus back to he village. On the bus it was quite crowded and the combination off all the smells made me feel really sick.

I was happy when the buss pulled up to my stop and I got off and went over to Ross "so your properly wondering why I needed to talk to you" I ask Ross and he looks at me "well it did cross my mind" he jokes and I smile

"Well I've took a test, not just any test" I say biting my lip "it was a pregnancy test.. It came back positive" I tell Ross and he looks at me with a huge smile on his face "we're going to have a little one" Ross says time and I nod.

Part of me was scared that the same thing will happen to this baby like it did to Ella. "I am going to go to get a dating scan at the doctors so it can tell me how far along I am" I tell a smiling Ross.

"But when I'm a bit further along im going away for a bit, when my bump is starting to show. So none knows and they can't stop me keeping it." I tell Ross and he nods, "we could go to the coast, I'll rent a house nere the beach" Ross says to me and I smile "really' I ask with A smile and Ross nods "I could bring Moses and it could be the three of us until baby is born" Ross says and I hug him "I love you" I whisper in his ear "I love you more" he whispers back.

I felt so relived that Ross would be supporting me through this pregnant. I sat on a bench and phoned the doctors "hello could I book a dating scan please... Friday at 12pm is fine thank you" I say to the receptionist and look up to Ross "are you able to come?" I ask

Ross said he would come and I smile before heading back home. I enter the pub and see mum and Aaron looking st me as if they were up to something "is something wrong?" I asked the pair of them and they try to avoid the question

"Mum? Aaron?" I ask confused "Liv is moving in with us.. For good. Her mum is moving abroad and she wanted to stay here with us" mum explains to me and I role my eyes "really" I sigh I guess now I need to try and get along with her.

I couldn't be asked to talk so I walk out back and up the stairs to my room. Opening my door before shutting it once again. I sat on my bed before lying down and falling asleep. I must have been tired as I never have a nap.

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