I'm Sorry

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Ava's PoV

I was sat on my bed with my note pad on my lap and green pregnancy pen what I got when I was pregnant in my right hand. I was writing a note to anyone. I just wanted to write it and then leave.

mum and Aaron

I am really sorry but I've gone. By the time you read this I'll probably be gone and I don't mean to hurt you both. I didn't attack Liv why would I attack my half sister anyway? I never thought you would believe someone else over me but i was wrong.

I'm sorry for everything. Aaron I hope the trill goes alright and that the scum gets locked up for good. I'm doing this for the best so good bye.

Avery Livesy

Once I finished writing my letter I placed the book on my bed wiping a stray tear from my cheek. Evreyone will be so much better once I have done this. I put my phone on my bedside table and leave my room and go down the stairs and quitely leave the back of the pub. I couldn't stop crying with the feeling off hatred from family.

I jogged down toward David's shop, I stuck in without being seen. David was putting some things on shelves so I grab 2 bottles of vodka and some pain killers before running out without David seeing me. Once I left the shop i went to the quarry and sat on the edge.

It was starting to get dark so I found my chance. I opened one off the Bottles of vodka and take a mouthful before popping some off the painkillers and putting them in my mouth. I do the same until I finish the bottle of vodka

Aaron's PoV

I shouldn't have shouted at Ava after everything she's been through. She told us she didn't hurt Liv and we didn't believe her. I went up to Ava's room to find a note on her bed and her phone on her table. This was bad Really bad.

I grab her note pad and rush down to the pub to where mum was serving pints "mum, I think you might want to read this" I say in a panick worrying about my little sister.

mum and Aaron

I am really sorry but I've gone. By the time you read this I'll probably be gone and I don't mean to hurt you both. I didn't attack Liv why would I attack my half sister anyway? I never thought you would believe someone else over me but i was wrong.

I'm sorry for everything. Aaron I hope the trill goes alright and that the scum gets locked up for good. I'm doing this for the best so good bye.

Avery Livesy

I hand mum Ava's note pad and mum reads it "what's it mean? Has she ran away or what" mum crys in worry and I shrug.

I couldn't help but think it's like the last time, what if she's done something to herself. "We've got to go and look for her" mum says and I nod agreeing. "What's happened" Cain asks while we were talking "Ava has ran off we are worried that she might have done something really bad"

Cain looked at me when I said what's happened and he agrees with mum that we should go and look for her. I just hope we aren't to late. I left the pub before anyone else and went looking for my little sister.

Ava's PoV

I was soon finished the pack of painkillers and I started the second bottle of vodka and it was safe to say I was out of it. I let the tears fall down my cheeks as I drink. I take mouthful after mouthful of vodka before it was empty.

I hear shouting and it sounded like they were shouting my name but I never said anything back. I stood up with a wobble and close my eyes wiping a tear away once again "Avery! Avery! Avery!" I hear three voices. It was dark so I couldn't see anyone,.

I was on the edge of the quarry when I saw a light over my shoulder "Avery!" I hear uncle Cain shout "I'm sorry" I mumble before stepping off the side only to be grabbed back by him. "what do you think you are doing" uncle Cain shouts and I ignore him. Mum and Aaron run upto us.

"You said you would never do that again!" Mum shouts and I stir. "You both believed Liv over me" I shout while stirring "You don't care about what I have to say! So get off me!" I scream. "Your coming back with us Avery" Cain and mum say.

Cain takes me and puts me in the back of his car, I kick and scream not wanting to go home. To be correct I don't want to be nere mum or Aaron after they didn't believe me. "Have you been drinking?" Aaron asks me and I giggle slightly "me, drinking you've got to be kidding me." I giggle again.

Mum turns around in her seat looking angry "where did you get it from!" She says as calmly as she could but I didn't answer. Cain starts the car and I doze off to sleep.

So what did you think? I know it was shorter than I normally write but I've been really ill and my mum thinks I'll need to go into hospital so that's a warning just I case.

Anyway if you have any ideas what could happen with
- Avery
- Avery and Aaron
- Avery and Chas
- Avery and Jacobs friendship
- Avery and Liv
- Avery and anyone

Just comment them and if I use your idea I'll give you a shoutout and maybe you can have a character  in 'The Youngest Barton'


Jess xx

Ava Livesy An Emmerdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now