Birthday Pt2

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Ava and Ross were in he garage when someone walked in. They had been found out.

But who was this mystery person who had caught the pair

Ava's PoV

Me and Ross looked at each other then back up to my big brother Aaron. I was biting my lip. "What do you both think your doing" Aaron asks us angrily "what's it look like Aaron" I say cheekily making Ross chuckle slightly. "Less off the cheekyness"

I was shocked with Aaron because he's never been like this before, I had to admit it scared me a little "Avery your only turning 16 and Ross is 23, hrs 7 years older than you!" Aaron shouts "we love each other" I tell Aaron and he scoffs "Averys he said he loved Debbie" Aaron shouts "if he loved Debbie he wouldn't have moved on this quick "Aaron it's been months since debs moved" I say and Ross agreed with me "Avery-Emilie Livesy/Dingle get your clothes on and go home now!" Aaron shouts and I throw my top on and slide my bottoms on.

"Just letting you know Aaron, Ross makes me feel happy, he makes me feel normal" I say to my older brother, "he's helped me a lot lately" I say to my older brother, you see Ross was the only one i told about my bipolar and seeing a counsellor.

I leave the garage and instead off going home I go to the stables to see Nixie. When I got to the stables i saw Nixie eating some hay.

I grab an apple and go to her den and go inside "hi Nix" I say to her while feeding her. Nixie eats her apple and I smile stroking her "you will never leave me will you" I ask my horse who nudges me softly and I smile softly even though I know Nixie was really ill and theirs nothing Rhona could do.

From Aaron 🙌🏻💖

I'm sorry Ave. we can just forget Evreything if you like? Come home please

I read as my phone goes off and I sigh. I really loved Ross and I knew Aaron didn't approve.

To Aaron 🙌🏻💖

Yeah we can. I'll be home soon, I'm at the stables.

I reply to Aaron's text before hugging my horse and settled her for the day before leaving and heading home, it was around 4:30pm and I realised I had spent most off the day at the stables.

I walked up the steps to the woolpack and go inside where it was all dark "SURPRISE" I hear Evreyone shout as I turn the lights on. You must be wondering who I mean by everyone well I mean Aaron, mum, Adam, vic, Marlon, Rhona, Moira, Uncle Cain, David, Jacob, Lisa, belle. There were also more people but I can't be asked to name them.

During the party mum came out from he back with a cake with candles   The cake was three story's with a pink bow on the secon and their were roses on the top and a giant 16.

"Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday to Avery,Happy birthday To you" Evreyone sings and I smile and blow the candles out "wow thank you everyone" I say smiling "the cakes amazing" I say and mum looks over to Marlon "Marlon made the cake" mum tells me and I go and hug Marlon "thank you" I say smiling

"Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday to Avery,Happy birthday To you" Evreyone sings and I smile and blow the candles out "wow thank you everyone" I say smiling "the cakes amazing" I say and mum looks over to Marlon "Marlon...

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I found out the bottem layer was red velvet cake, the middle was chocolate and the top was red velvet chocolate cake I turn the music on smiling and having a good time. I soon sit down and look at my phone to see I had a text from Ross.

From Ross 💖🙊

I've told Aaron we will break up so he gets off our back, make sure he knows that we are 'not' together as i don't think he believed me. I love you too much

To Ross 💖🙊

Okay If he asks I'll tell him. I love you so much too 🙊

I read the text and smile softly to myself. I quickly reply back before getting back into the party. I had a glass off orange juice while talking to Belle we weren't talking about anything inperticular just anything which came to our mind first when soon the topic of boyfriends come up.

"So Ava is their anyone you like at the moment" belle asks me and then she sees me smile "their is someone isn't their" she asks me giggling like a little school girl. "Well their is someone but he's older and if anyone knew they wouldn't approve off us." I say smiling and blushing slightly.

"Ohh do tell" belle smirks and I shake my head "no can do their bells" I say smirking "if we decided to go public with our relationship then you'll be the first one i tell" I tell belle and she pokes me and I laugh.

The party soon came to an end and I went up to my room, I get changed into my Owl onesie before taking my makeup off and brushing my hair before I tie it into a ponytail and climbing into bed. I text Ross good night and he said we can do something tomorrow as he's not working. I was on Facebook before it got late so I got comfortable and then I fell into a deep sleep.

That night I just couldn't sleep I kept tossing and turning but I just couldn't get comfortable I grab my phone and find Ross's number and click on it

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That night I just couldn't sleep I kept tossing and turning but I just couldn't get comfortable I grab my phone and find Ross's number and click on it

To Ross 💖🙊

Wish you were here with me, I can't sleep or get comfortable 😔💖

I instantly get a reply and I smile

From Ross 💖🙊

Well I could come round and stay the night or you could come here

I love how Ross was always their if I needed him

To Ross 💖🙊

You come here, come in the back way I'll let you in.

Ross replys with an okay and I go and let him in. I let him in and Ross Comes in and comes to my room. The night went by really quick when I was with him


Well that's it for this chapter. Sorry if I got Ross' age wrong because I'm not 100% sure how old he is, my mum said she thinks he's 23 so I said that in the story
Their might be another update today or tomorrow


Jess xx

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