The Family Meets Elepheteria

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Before I start this chapter I want to say a massive thank you jessieejaneexo thank you for your support

Sorry if it upsets anyone

- Jess

Ava's POV

It was the day after I gave birth to Ellie (Elepheteria) and today evreyone is coming to meet her. She is still so poorly so she can't come home and they have told me to prepare for the worst. I was sat in my hospital bed bored waiting for mum to come back with Aaron and uncle Cain soon a nurse came in "Avery we would like to inform you that Elepheteria has a hole in her heart, this means she may not survive" she tells me as mum, Aaron and Uncle Cain walk in. "Avie what's happened" uncle Cain asks me and I take deep breaths, I was scared, scared I was going to lose my daughter Elepheteria. "Elepheteria, she might not make it" I say,  and mum comes and hugs me "you can come see her, if she's strong enough you can hold her" the nurse says to me I nod getting out of the hospital bed and we all follow her me and mum go in first as its only two people per baby, i walked in and stand over Elepheterias bed "you can hold her" I was told and I look unsure before nodding they get Ella out of the incubator/bed and pass her to me "hello Elepheteria, I'm your mummy and this is Nannie Chas, uncle Aaron is outside with my uncle Cain" I say to Elepheteria and she looks so fragile. Mum goes out and Aaron comes in "she's gorgeous sis, you did a good job" Aaron says, I smile before putting Ella back in the incubator for a bit and uncle Cain comes in and sees Ella. "Avie she's gorgeous what's her name" uncle Cain asks me and I look up "Elepheteria Chastity Grace Dingle-Livesy" I say with a small weak smile "that's perfect name for such a gorgeous baby" he says and I smile

-hours later-

Later the same day Debbie had came round with Jack and Sarah, Diane, Victoria came and mum also came back , I was going to ask Debbie, Vic and Sarah if they would be godmother and ask Debbie if she would Mind Jack being godfather "how is she" Diane asks me "no better" I say "what did you name her" Vic asks me "I named her Elepheteria Chastity Grace Dingle-Livesy" I start "I gave her chastity as her middle name because I wanted to give her part of mum" I say with a small smile "she's so cute" Sarah giggles, we were standing looking in the window to where all the baby's in incubators were. "I was wondering if Debbie, Sarah and Vic would like to be godmother and Debbie would you mind Jack being godfather" I ask and they all said yes. I let evreyone go in and when they had went in me and Vic went together, I was aloud to hold Elepheteria again and I did "she's got your eyes" Vic says and I smile before something happen, something I didn't want to happen, Elepheteria stopped breathing a nurse runs in and takes Ella off me and I didn't know what to do I just broke down crying.

-hour later -

An hour later the doctor who was trying to save Elepheteria came out "I'm sorry to tell you this but Elepheteria is dead" he says and I stare blankly at him "Ava it's okay" mum says knowing it's not good when I do this. I hold back my tears "I want to go home" I say blankly and uncle Cain drives us home, at home I go straight to my room and stay their for the rest of the day/night


Once again sorry it's so bad and sad.
Hope you liked.

Comment any ideas you would like to see and I'll try to do then

- Jess X

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