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So I was thinking of doing the storyline what happened to Chas but instead it's Ava and she stabs Diane but it's because she's been sleep walking and she's been depressed and other things but that might not happen yet comment if you think it would be alright or what you think of the idea and yeah  but yet again I might keep it with Chas stabbing Diane  so comment what you think

- Jess

Ava's POV

I was sat in my room where I have been for the last 2 days, I've not eaten, I've not slept, ive not spoken, I've not even done anything. Today Mitch is coming round to see if he can get me to talk, I only know this because mum said so. I was sat on my bed starring out of my bedroom window, I was ment to be planning Elepheteria funural but I can't, I hadn't even told Mitch he had a daughter. Over and over in my head I kept thinking was it my fault that Elepheteria had a hole in her heart, was it caused when I ran out infront of Andys car. I had to go for a walk do I slip my shoes on and leave not talking anyone. I walk through the village and barge past Emma who I hate (in rl I love her don't know why but Debbie, Chas and Emma are my fave females and Cain,Aaron and Lachlan are my fave males) "Oi what was that for" she says angrily turning to face me but I ignore her and continue walking. Emma follows me and grabs my arm but I swing around and end up hitting her in the face "you little bitch" she says and I stay straight faced and pull my arm free and walk off "I'm
Talking to you" she says following me and I role my eyes and walk off, I felt so empty.

Chas POV

Ava hasn't spoken to anyone, she's not eaten, she's not even left her room and then she just walks out of the pub, I let her go to let her try and clear her head. About a few minutes maybe 20 after she left Emma came in with a bleeding nose and she looked angry "your daughter is out of control" she shouts coming over to the bar "first she bardges past me then she punched me in the nose" Emma shouts and I fold my arms. Mitch soon walks in "is Ava here" he asks me and I shake my head just as She walks in, Emma gives her dirty looks. "Ava your mum told me you were pregnant and you lost the baby"Mitch says to Ava and she looks like she was going to lose it but she doesn't "I think theirs more important things than a lost baby, she's out of control" Emma says "Right you! Elepheteria was my daughter, part of me and she died! You don't have the right to say theirs more important things thank losing my baby!" Ava says before thumping Emma. Ava keeps hitting Emma. Paddy holds Ava back as she try's to get away. Emma gets her phone out "she needs locking up, she's not right in the head she's out ofcontrol" she says dialling a number

Ava's POV

I just lost it when Emma said theirs more important things than losing my baby. I know I wasn't thinking straight but none would if they had just lost their baby. Emma phoned the police and said she had been assaulted and I froze, paddy was still holding me back and I couldn't hold my tears back I broke down crying and paddy pulled me into a hug instead of holding me back. Debbie walks in with Sarah, Jack and Ross and sees me crying. Ross goes over to his mum "what happened" he asks her "she attacked me" Emma says pointing at me. "Why did you attack my mum" he asks getting up in my face "why did she say theirs more important things than loseing my baby" I say and he looks at her "you said that mum" he asks and she shakes her head "I would never say that" she says and I clunch a fist, "you Lieing bitch" I say through gritted teeth. Soon the police turned up and started talking to everyone and everything but by now I was back in my room starring out the window. Mitch tryed getting me to talk again but I wasn't going to, theirs no point anymore I've lost my Elepheteria, I might be getting arrested and people hate me so what is their left for me to do, be happy, be bubbly, dance around singing, well I can tell you one thing that won't be happening again

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