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Ava's POV

I'm exactly 8 Months 1 day pregnant, I was going to spend the day at Zak and Lisa's today with Belle. I got up and dressed into my black tank top and black leggings and threw a oversized hoodie over the top before heading down stairs and yawning, the baby kept me up all night kicking and I was knackered. I found out I was having a girl and she might not make it. I couldn't face hearing that, I know I was going to give her up but she's still part of me. "Morning A, did you sleep alright" mum asks me and I shake my head "nope, baby kept me up most of the night" I say yawning. "Soon you'll be able to hold her though" mum says and I nod "have you thought of any names for her" mum asks me "I've though  got of two" I say with a small smile "what are they" mum asks "Erin Charlotte or Elepheteria Grace which I could shorten to Ella or Ellie" I say to mum and she smiles "their both great names" mum says and I nod smiling which was fake, I've had pains in my stomach all morning and didn't know why,  I grab an apple and nibble on it before throwing the core into the bin "see you later" I say to mum as I walk of to Belles,  I was walking down the road when I had to stop as the pain was unbearable I clutched my stomach and couldn't move, I sat on the side of the road in pain. I hadn't even made it to Zak and Lisa's.

-hours later-

I must have been sat here for about 4 hours and bones even came past, who am I kidding none hardly comes this way, well they do but not often, I was still in so much pain and it was unbelievable, this pain was worse than anything I've ever felt before, I couldn't move it was that bad. My phone had died I should have changed it last night. I tryed to stay calm but the pain was overwhelming. It was now 4pm and it was starting to get dark when I heard a car come down the road "help please" I shout crying in pain and the car stops and out gets rhona and Vanessa "Ava what are you doing here" Vanessa asks coming over to me "I don't know what's happening it hurts so much" I cry clutching my stomach  "right I think you've gone into labour" Rhona says to me, your proberly wondering how she knows that I'm pregnant, it's ever since the accident everyone in the village knows " we will need to get you to the hospital" she says "I want mum" I cry as Vanessa helps me up and into the car "I'll call her" Vanessa says as she and Rhona gets in the car and rhona drives off.

Chas's POV

Ava never showed up at Zak and Lisa's and I am starting to get really worried, whAt if something has happened to her, my phone soon started ringing showing Nessas (Vanessa) number and I didn't know why I answered though "Chas, it's Ava were taking her to hospital now, we think she's gone into labour, we found her at the side of the road in a lot of pain" she tells me and I say I'll be st the hospital as soon As I can. I hang up and then rush out back "I'm sorry Diane but I've got to get to the hospital, Ava might have gone into labour" I say fast and Cain offers to drive me to the hospital

Ava's POV

The pain had increased in the last five minutes Rhona was staying with me while Vanessa waited for mum to arrive. I was taken into a room and give gas and air and soon mum runs into the room "Ava it's going to be alright" she reasure me and I grab her hand and squeeze it "alright Avery you need to start pushing" the midwife says to me and I do as I'm told and after another hour I had given birth to my beautiful babygirl, she looked so fragile and poorly "have you got her name" my midwife says and I nod "Elepheteria Chastity Grace Livesy" I say and look up at mum "chastity after my mum" I say and mum kisses my forhead, they rush Elepheteria to emergency care because she was so poorly  "her names perfect Ava" mum says to me and I smile "I gave her your name as her middle name because you've been their for me through the pregnancy even when i didn't tell you" I smile and mum smiles "mum I want her last name to be dingle, do you think I could do that, because dingle is your last name but mines Livesy" I say in a curious tone and mum looks at me unsure "I'm sure you could" mum says and I smile "Elepheteria Chastity Grace Dingle-Livesy" I say and mum nods "the names perfect princess" mum says and gives my a hug

Chas's POV

I was so proud of Ava she did so well and now I have a beautiful granddaughter 'Elepheteria Chastity Grace Dingle-Livesy' the perfect name for the gorgeous little girl, Ava had fell asleep and I called Aaron "Ava's had her daughter she's names her Elepheteria Chastity Grace Dingle-Livesy" I say to him as he picks the phone up "can I come see them" he asks me "yeah" and then he hangs up

Ava Livesy An Emmerdale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now